State requirements for 190 visa (2024-25 Year)

190 visa is points based and allows skilled workers who are nominated by an Australian state or territory government to live and work in Australia as a permanent resident. In order to apply for the visa subclass 190, applicants must first successfully obtain a nomination from a state/ territory government. It is worth noting that besides the minimum requirements from the Department of Home Affairs, each state/ territory government has their own set of requirements that all applicants who want to be nominated must meet. Navigating the state/ territory requirements is often complicated.

State and Territory nominated visa allocations (2024 – 2025)

Following consultation with States and Territories, the following nomination levels have been allocated for 2024-25 and comparison to the previous financial year:

2024–25 state and territory nomination allocations
State Skilled Nominated (Subclass 190) visa Skilled Work Regional (Subclass 491) visa Business Innovation and Investment Program (BIIP)*
ACT 1,000 (+400) 800 (+200)
NSW 3,000 (+350) 2,000 (+500)
NT 800 (+550) 800 (+400)
QLD 600 (-300) 600 (-50)
SA 3,000 (+1,900) 800 (-400)
TAS 2,100 (+1,500) 760 (+160)
VIC 3,000 (+300) 2,000 (+1,400)
WA 3,000 (+1,500) 2,000 (+1,150)
Total 16,500 (-6,200) 9,760 (+3,360)

* The BIIP will be closed permanently from July 2024 and new applications for the Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) (subclass 188) visa will no longer be able to be lodged.

Understanding the differences in the allocation, we also need to understand the basic requirements for all states/ territories so that you can have a better idea of which state you live in and what requirements you need to meet to increase your chances of getting an invitation.

State Total 190 491 Status
NT 1,600 800 800 190 – Open

  • If you are nominated for the subclass 190 by the NT Government, you will be expected to live and work in the Territory for at least three years from visa grant.

491 – Open

  • If you are nominated for the subclass 491 by the NT Government, you and your dependant family members will be expected to live, work and study in the NT for at least three years before qualifying for a permanent residency pathway.
  • Offshore applicants will generally only be nominated for a subclass 491 visa.

2024-25 Policy updated

NSW 5,000 3,000 2,000 2024-25 Policy pending further update

  • 190 – Open
  • 491 – Pathway 1 – Not Open 
  • 491 – Pathway 2 – Open 
ACT 1,800 1,000 800 190 – Open – Basically consistent with the previous policy

491 – Open – Basically consistent with the previous policy

WA 5,000 3,000 2,000 2024-25 Policy updated. Basically consistent with the previous policy

  • 190 – Open 
  • 491 – Open
TAS 2,860 2,100 760 2024-25 Policy pending further update

  • 190 – Not open
  • 491 – Not open
VIC 5,000 3,000 2,000 2024-25 Policy pending further update

  • 190 – Not open
  • 491 – Not open
QLD 1,200 600 600 2024-25 Policy pending further update

  • 190 – Not open
  • 491 – Not open

EOI needs to be submitted again.

SA 3,800 3,000 800 2024-25 Policy pending further update

  • 190 – Not open
  • 491 – Not open

EOI needs to be submitted again.

Summary of the State Requirements for the 190 visa.

Key Summary
Residence Reside in NSW for at least 6 months Reside in Victoria for at least 6 months Reside in Canberra for at least 6 months No Yes Closed Reside in Tasmania Reside in SA
Local Employment Not required Yes Yes – at least 6 months Yes Must show good job prospect Closed Yes if not apply under Graduates category No
Offshore invite No No No No No Closed Yes – if have job offer No
Fees (AUD) $300 Nil $300 $200 $300 $220 $220 $330

New South Wales – State Nomination criteria for 190 visa 

To be eligible for the NSW state nomination, applicants must:

  • be under 45 years of age.
  • Have a positive skill assessment in an occupation in the NSW Skilled Occupation Lists for 190 visa.
  • have at least a competent level of English. Citizen of the USA, UK, Canada, Republic of Ireland or New Zealand are not required to complete an English assessment.

NSW nomination is competitive due to a huge amounts of applications throughout the years. Therefore, you must increase your points as much as possible to maximise the chance of being nominated.

Residential Requirement

Onshore candidates – NSW 190 visa

Ensure you are either currently residing in NSW and have continuously resided in NSW for a minimum period of six months.

Onshore candidates – NSW 491 visa

Ensure you are either currently residing in NSW and have continuously resided in NSW for a minimum period of three months.

Offshore candidates – NSW 190 visa

Offshore candidates skilled in occupations within some ANZSCO unit groups are now eligible for NSW nomination.

Note: to be eligible as an offshore applicant, you must have continuously resided offshore for a minimum period of six months.

Offshore candidates – NSW 491 visa

You must be currently residing offshore and have continuously resided offshore for a minimum period of three months.

Work experience requirement – NSW 190 visa

You do not have to be currently working (or have previously worked) in NSW in your nominated (or closely related) occupation to be eligible for nomination.


491 NSW Pathways

Victoria – State Nomination criteria for 190 visa 

To be eligible to apply for Victorian Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa nomination, applicants(onshore and offshore) must:

  • be committed to living in Victoria
  • be under 45 years of age at the time of nomination
  • have at least Competent English
  • have a valid Skills Assessment in an occupation on the MLTSSL occupation list or STSOL occupation list
  • have achieved at least 65 points on the Expression of Interest (EOI) in SkillSelect
  • submit a Registration of Interest (ROI) and be selected
Onshore applicants:
  • Currently living in Victoria. No duration requirement.
  • Skilled employment – Required. You will be required to disclosure your current job details in Victoria. Skilled employment includes any role that is at skill levels 1, 2 or 3 in the relevant ANZSCO classification.
Offshore applicants:
  • Currently living offshore.
  • Employment in Victoria – Not compulsory.

For the subclass 491 visa in addition to applicants living in Victoria, applicants living offshore can apply, noting Victoria are currently prioritising health occupations for subclass 491 visa nomination.

Victoria’s 2024-25 state nominated skilled visa program will open in the coming weeks. More information will be published as it becomes available.


Australian Capital Territory – State Nomination criteria for 190 visa 

You must meet the following criteria before you apply for the nomination:

  • be under 45 years of age at the time of nomination
  • have at least Competent English
  • have a valid Skills Assessment in an occupation on the MLTSSL occupation list or STSOL occupation list
  • submit a Expression of Interest (EOI) in SkillSelect and achieved at least 65 points
  • submit a Canberra Matrix and be selected
Canberra residents – ACT 190 nomination


  • Living and working in Canberra for at least six months at date of Canberra Matrix submission(include any dependents). Your bank statements / transaction history must record ACT banking activity for this period. You may also live within a 30-minute commuting distance in NSW e.g., Queanbeyan, Jerrabomberra, and Googong.
  • If you have a Spouse / Partner, they must be a resident in Canberra for at least six months or living overseas


Nominated occupation is on the latest ACT Critical Skills List. The highest ranked Matrix submissions per occupation will be invited to apply for ACT nomination. 

You have worked in Canberra for at least 26 weeks that you meet the overall hourly or earnings requirements as expressed below:

  • Employee
  1. A minimum of 30 hours per week in at least 26 out of the 30 weeks
  2. Genuine position based in Canberra. 
  • Self-employed
  1. Total (taxable) income is at least $1000 pw in at least 26 out of the 30 weeks
  2. At least 12 months ACT business activity on the ABN
  3. Sign a statutory declaration confirming the ABN details
  • Small Business Owner
  1. Eligible to claim Canberra Matrix points in the Small Business Owner Category
  2. Sign a statutory declaration confirming the details of the business activity


‘Proficient orSuperior English unless your nominated occupation is Chef 351311; or your nominated occupation has an ANZSCO skill level of 3 to 5.

Commitment to Canberra

You must sign a declaration committing to living and working in Canberra while your visa is processed and for at least two years from date of visa grant.

Service fee:


Overseas applicant  – ACT 190 nomination


You and any migrating dependents(except children enrolled at school in the ACT):

  • are living overseas.
  • have not lived in Australia for the last 12 months.
  • do not hold a current Australian visa (or bridging visa) with the exception of an Australian visitor visa.

Employment/Relevant overseas work experience

Nominated occupation is on the latest ACT Critical Skills List

You have at least three years full-time, post graduate, relevant work experience in your nominated occupation in the last five years.


‘Proficient orSuperior English unless your nominated occupation is Chef 351311; or your nominated occupation has an ANZSCO skill level of 3 to 5.

ACT employability

You are confident in your employability in Canberra and find your background relevant to the ACT economy.

Commitment to Canberra

You must sign a declaration committing to living and working in Canberra while your visa is processed and for at least two years from date of visa grant.

Settlement funds

You have access to sufficient money to fund your migration and settlement in Canberra.

Service fee:


Other pathways:

1. Doctorate Streamlined nomination

If you completed a research or professional Doctoral degree at an ACT university(Canberra resident); or you were awarded a research or professional Doctoral degree from an ACT university within the last two years(Interstate / overseas applicant)

2. Significant economic benefit

If ACT government think your employment is of significant economic benefit to the Territory, and you do not meet the current eligibility criteria. (Invite to apply ONLY)

You can find the ACT Critical Skills List here.


Western Australia 190 visa criteria

Migration WA has made significant temporary changes to its skilled state nomination program criteria, including:

  • new occupations added to the eligible lists
  • waiving the $200 application fee
  • halving the requirement to have an employment contract from 12 months to six months
  • reducing requirements for applicants to demonstrate sufficient funds
  • removing additional English requirements for professional and manager
  • occupations, and
  • reducing work experience requirements for the 2022-23 program year to 6 months

The 2022-23 WA state nomination requirements have now been released. The WA migration program has expanded the graduate occupation list for the graduate stream with now over 300 occupations.

There are two streams under which WA state nominations are issues: General Stream and Graduate Stream. Depending on which lists your occupation falls into, you must apply under the suitable stream.

General Stream Eligibility

  • Occupation must be in the General Stream occupational list.
  • Must be residing in Australia;
  • Meet language requirement. This requirement depends on of occupation group.
    • ANZSCO Group 1 and 2: Proficient – IELTS Level 7
    • All other eligible occupations: Competent – IELTS Level 6
  • Must have at least one year of Australian work experience in the nominated (or closely related) occupation over the last 10 years or at least three years of overseas work experience in the nominated (or closely related) occupation over the last 10 years.
  • Must have a genuine full-time job offer in Western Australia in your nominated occupation for at least 12 months.
  • Have sufficient settlement funds if you are not residing in Western Australia.

Graduate Stream Eligibility

  • Occupation must be in the Graduate Stream occupational list.
  • Must be residing in Australia;
  • Must have gained a Certificate III or higher qualification in Western Australia including the requirement to have at least two years study in Western Australia.
  • Meet language requirement. This requirement depends on of occupation group.
    • ANZSCO Group 1 and 2: Proficient – IELTS Level 7
    • All other eligible occupations: Competent – IELTS Level 6
  • Must have at least 6 months works experience in the nominated occupation or have a six month contract of employment in your nominated (or closely related) occupation in Western Australia.
  • Have sufficient settlement funds if you are not residing in Western Australia.


Northern Territory 190 visa criteria

Onshore applications for Northern Territory nomination under the General Skilled Migration program can now be lodged through the online application system. Offshore applications remain closed while the national border restrictions stay in place.


Queensland 190 visa criteria

Migration Queensland has opened its state nominated skilled migration program for 2023-24.  As with all states and territories Queensland had received a significantly reduced allocation of places for this program year.

Queensland will begin inviting selected applicants from the end of this month and hold invitation rounds at the end of each month – ensuring an evenly spread workload throughout the program year.


Tasmania 190 visa criteria

Please see below for the latest 190 visa nomination criteria for Tasmania.


South Australia 190 visa criteria

South Australia will open its skilled migration program on 20 July 2021 for this financial year. With a total of 5,200 places allocated for both 190 and 491 nominations, South Australia has announce its changes to the migration program with the following key points:

  • Applicants residing in Australia but not in South Australia now are eligible for the South Australia under Talent and Innovator Employment Stream
  • Offshore applicants are eligible for South Australia state nomination, depending on their nominated occupations.
  • There are 3 main streams: Talent and Innovators Program, Currently living and working in South Australia, and International Graduates stream.
  • For some instances, applicants do not need to work in their nominated occupation to apply for the state nomination.

The South Australian program is focused on:

  1. Talent and Innovators Program

This program is intended for skilled migrants who can contribute to South Australia’s priority sectors. It is divided into four streams:

  • Employment stream
  • Start-up and small business stream
  • Independent talent stream
  1. Currently working in South Australia

This program is accessible for applicants who are:

  • Currently living and working in South Australia
  • Living and working in regional South Australia
  • Living and working in South Australia as a long-term resident
  1. International Graduate of South Australia

Students who complete their studies in South Australia can access additional waivers and concessions. There are various requirements to meet before the applicant can apply for this stream. Some of the requirements include:

  • The course must be CRICOS registered with a minimum of 46 weeks.
  • A minimum of 50 % of the qualification must be completed in South Australia.
  • The applicant must reside in South Australia for at least one year during his/her studies.
  • The applicant must continue to reside in South Australia post-study.
  • For subclass 190 or 491 nominations, the applicant must be working in South Australia in his/her nominated occupation.


Select a state below to see it’s 190 visa requirements:

Australia Placeholder

State and territory requirements

Each state and territory has its own list of occupations, requirements and processes you must follow.

More information about the requirements and processes on how Australian states or territories nominate applicants is available.