Tasmania Skilled Migration Nomination Requirements (2022-2023)

2023-24 Program Allocations

The Australian Government has issued Tasmania’s allocation for the state and territory  nominated visa categories for the 2023-24 program year. The allocations are:

Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa: 600 places

Skilled Work Regional (subclass 491) visa: 600 places

No new nomination allocations have been provided for the Business Innovation and Investment Program (BIIP) in the 2023-24 program year for any jurisdiction.

This allocation is significantly lower than anticipated. The Department of Home Affairs has advised that reductions have been enacted across the entire State and Territory Nominated Program due to the large number of visa applications on-hand following the high quotas and subsequent number of nominations issued in 2022-23.

Caseload processing details (at 24 August 2023)

Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa:

  • Nominations – 0 of 600 places used
  • Nomination applications lodged but not decided – 160
  • Invitations to apply for nomination issued but not yet accepted – 7

Skilled Work Regional (subclass 491) visa:

  • Nominations – 0 of 600 places used
  • Nomination applications lodged but not decided – 149
  • Invitations to apply for nomination issued but not yet accepted – 42



The Skilled Nominated visa (Subclass 190) is a permanent residence visa for skilled workers which allows you to live and work in Tasmania.

Nomination from Tasmania for this visa provides you with 5 additional points to help meet the Department of Home Affairs points test pass mark of 65 points.

If you are nominated by the Tasmanian Government for this visa, you must live in Tasmania for at least 2 years after the visa has been granted.

Eligibility and important information

Visa Requirements – Department of Home Affairs

To be eligible for state nomination, you must meet the following requirements set out by the Department of Home Affairs.

You must have:

* not yet turned 45 years of age
* nominated an occupation on the relevant list of eligible skilled occupations
* a valid and positive skills assessment for your nominated occupation
* at least ‘Competent’ English language proficiency
* at least 65 points on the Department of Home Affairs points test.

Please note that you also need to meet the Tasmanian Government nomination requirements to be eligible for state nomination.

Additional information

Unsuccessful Subclass 190 applications may also be considered for Subclass 491 Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa nomination. If you would like this to occur you must include Subclass 491 as an option on your SkillSelect Expression of Interest (EOI). Unsuccessful Subclass 190 applicants who fail to include both options will not be supported for visa nomination.

Do you have outstanding financial debts to the Tasmanian Government?If you or any family members (including those who don’t apply for nomination with you) owe fees to Tasmanian Government agencies, such as for education or health, the debt must be paid or arrangements for payment must be made prior to seeking nomination. You will not be eligible for nomination until the debt has been paid or a payment plan has been accepted by the agency.

Visa state nomination Application Fee

Applications for Tasmanian nomination incur a non-refundable service fee of AUD$220 (GST inclusive).

This means all candidates who meet the minimum requirements for one of the nominations pathways will be able register their interest in nomination. This includes candidates who are eligible for an Orange Pass.

If you are given a Gold Pass you will be able to lodge an application for nomination immediately.

If you are given a Green Pass you will not be able to lodge an application straight away, but are likely to be invited to apply for nomination in the next 6-8 weeks.

If you are given an Orange Pass you may be invited to apply for nomination within the next six months, depending upon the volume of registrations and how many of the priority attributes you have. If you are not invited to apply within 6 months your registration will expire, and you will need to complete a new registration in the gateway to be considered for a nomination invitation.

If you are given a Red Pass it means you do not meet the minimum nomination requirements and will not be able to apply for nomination.

Subclass 190 – Skilled Nominated Visa Tasmania Pathways

Tasmanian Skilled Employment Pathway (2022-23)

To be considered for this pathway you must meet all of the minimum criteria below.

You may also need to possess one or more of the priority attributes listed for this pathway (refer to the table below).

Minimum Criteria
  • Your employment must be in an occupation listed on the Tasmanian Onshore Skilled Occupation List (TOSOL).
  • You must have been working in Tasmania for 6 months immediately prior to your application. Your employment must average at least 20 hours per week over the 6 month period immediately prior to lodging your application.
  • You must currently be living in Tasmania and intend to continue living in Tasmania (your dependents must not be living in another Australian state or territory).
  • Your employment needs to be to be closely related to your nominated occupation (a skilled role within the same industry area as your skills assessment – see additional information and important definitions for guidance).
  • There must be a genuine, ongoing need for your position within the business (including a minimum 12-month contract with at least 3 months remaining at the time you apply for nomination).
  • If you are a subcontractor, you may be considered in this pathway if you have a related skills assessment and at least 12 months business activity in Tasmania.

Employment and conditions:

  • Your employer must be a well-established business that has been actively operating in Tasmania for the past 12 months.
  • Your wages and conditions must be no less favourable than those that would apply to an Australian citizen or permanent resident, with salary or wages that are also equivalent to the market salary rate.
  • There must be a genuine, ongoing need for your position within the business (including a minimum 12-month contract with at least 3 months remaining at the time you apply for nomination). The contract may be casual, but must comply with the Fair Work Ombudsman’s National Employment Standards.
Priority Attributes

The following attributes are used to rank Registrations of Interest. Only the most competitive candidates are invited to apply for nomination.

Please also read and refer to the Migration Tasmania:
– Additional information, exclusions and definitions
– Critical Roles list
– Tasmanian Onshore Skilled Occupation List (TOSOL)

Tasmanian Skilled Graduate Pathway (2022-23)

To be considered for this pathway you must meet all of the minimum criteria below.*

You may also need to possess one or more of the priority attributes listed for this pathway (refer to the table below).

Minimum Criteria

You may also need to possess one or more of the priority attributes listed for this pathway (refer to the table below).

  • You must have completed a course of study and obtained a letter of completion from a tertiary institution in Tasmania registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).
  • You must have lived in the state for at least two calendar years from the commencement of your course and for the duration of your studies.
  • Your course of study must be AQF 5 (Diploma) or higher, or at least Certificate III related to an ANZSCO Major Group 3 or Group 4 occupation, and be listed on CRICOS with a duration of at least 92 weeks.
  • Your course must have been completed full-time and on-site in Tasmania.
  • you must currently be living in Tasmania and intend to continue living in Tasmania.

Tasmanian PhD candidates who have not completed an undergraduate degree in Tasmania are eligible in this pathway after living in Tasmania and completing at least 2 years of their PhD discipline in Tasmania.

Graduates who were affected by COVID-19 travel restrictions should consider the flexible requirements for visa state nomination applicants affected by COVID-19 restrictions

Priority Attributes

The following attributes are used to rank Registrations of Interest. Only the most competitive candidates are invited to apply for nomination.

Please also read and refer to the Migration Tasmania:
– Additional information, exclusions and definitions
– Critical Roles list
– Tasmanian Onshore Skilled Occupation List (TOSOL)

Tasmanian Established Resident Pathway (2022-23)

To be considered for this pathway you must meet all of the minimum criteria below.

You may also need to possess one or more of the priority attributes listed for this pathway (refer to the table below).

Minimum Criteria
  • You must have been living in Tasmania for at least 3 years (with no more than 50 percent of your total Australian residence period spent in another Australian state or territory), and one of:
    • Currently be employed in Tasmania in an ANZSCO Skill Levels 1-3, including a cumulative 12 out of the last 24 months, (a minimum 20 hours per week on average).
    • Currently be employed in Tasmania, including a cumulative 18 months in the last 3 years, in an ANZSCO Skill Level 4 or 5 (a minimum 20 hours per week on average).
    • Have operated a business for at least the last 2 years with taxable earnings equivalent to the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (currently $53 900).
Priority Attributes

The following attributes are used to rank Registrations of Interest. Only the most competitive candidates are invited to apply for nomination.

Supporting Information and Documents required:

When you apply for nomination you must supply documentation that supports the claims you made in your Registration of Interest and your application for nomination.

If you cannot support the claims you made in either your Registration of Interest and your application for nomination, your application will be refused.

Please ensure you have read and understood the nomination requirements before preparing the evidence listed below.
  • The documents listed below will be required to be uploaded during the online application process and before an application can be successfully lodged.
  • Migration Tasmania may also contact you for additional documents if required and directly contact people and organisations you have listed to confirm the information. This may include education providers, employers and real estate agents.
  • It is important that you ensure all documentation provided is current, up-to-date and genuine. You can update information by logging into your Migration Tasmanian Gateway account.
  • Where documentation or information is found to be false or misleading an application will be declined. Details may also be passed on to other agencies such as the Department of Home Affairs.
There are 3 groups of documents to upload:

1.   ESSENTIAL (required for all applications)

2.   PATHWAY SPECIFIC (required and related to your choice of nomination pathway)

3.   ADDITIONAL SUPPORTING (other miscellaneous documents)

IMPORTANT: Skills assessments and English tests must be current at time of nomination or visa applications may be refused by Home Affairs.

1. Essential required documents – all pathways:
  • Passport (Bio-Data page).
  • SkillSelect Expression of Interest (EOI) including the personal/education/employment details referred to in your Registration of Interest and nomination application.
  • Skills assessment issued by the relevant assessing body for your stated occupation. Must be dated within the last 3 years.
  • English language report (English proficiency test result ) dated within the last 3 years.
    If you hold a passport issued by the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, United States of America, or Republic of Ireland and do not need to complete an English language test for your skilled visa please attach a further copy of your passport bio data page.
  • Curriculum vitae (CV)/resume (up-to-date, including employment claims quoted in your registration and application).

2. Pathway specific documents (also required):

Tasmanian Skilled Employment (Subclass 190)

  • Current visa grant notice including any bridging visa notice or Administrative Appeals Tribunal or Federal Court review information if applicable (VEVO printouts are not acceptable).
  • Bank transaction statements showing daily activities in Tasmania since the date of arrival in Tasmania (please upload individually, NOT combined).
  • Evidence of living in Tasmania rental agreements OR if not available, statutory declarations.
  • Travel itinerary – airline/Spirit of Tasmania itinerary showing permanent arrival in Tasmania.
  • Signed employment contract/letter of offer.
  • Pay slips for 6 months immediately prior to application submission.
  • Tax assessment notice or employer payment summary – if employment commenced prior to 1 July 2022.
  • Most recent superannuation statement.
  • Evidence that pay and conditions are consistent with local market rates.
    This can be demonstrated by:
    – reference to an industrial award or enterprise agreement
    – market salary survey data such as Hays Salary guides or Payscale
    – advertisements from the last 6 months for equivalent positions in the same location (e.g. Seek, Indeed, CareerOne)
    – remuneration surveys completed by a reputable organisation, or
    – written advice from unions or employer associations.
  • Evidence of sponsoring employer support – if currently holding a Temporary Skill Shortage visa (subclass 482) and worked less than 12 months with their Tasmanian-based sponsoring employer.
  • Evidence of any other Australian Qualifications – academic transcript(s) and completion letter(s)

Tasmanian Skilled Graduate (Subclass 190)

  • Current visa grant notice including any bridging visa notice or Administrative Appeals Tribunal or Federal Court review information if applicable (VEVO printouts are not acceptable).
  • Evidence of Tasmanian qualifications – academic transcript and completion letter.
  • Evidence of CoE verification for all students enrolled in Tasmanian studies after 1 August 2022. For these future applicants a non-CoE enrolment will not be accepted.
  • Evidence of any other Australian qualifications – academic transcript(s) and completion letter(s).
  • Bank transaction statements showing daily activities in Tasmania since the date of arrival in Tasmania (please upload individually, NOT combined).
  • Evidence of living in Tasmania rental agreements OR if not available, statutory declarations.
  • Travel itinerary – airline/Spirit of Tasmania itinerary showing permanent arrival in Tasmania.
  • Employment or business information*
    • Current and previous employment contracts
    • Pay slips covering the duration of your employment
    • Most recent tax assessment notice or employer payment summary (if employment/business operation commenced prior to 1 July 2022)
    • Most recent superannuation statements
    • Evidence that your pay and conditions are consistent with local market rates. This can be  demonstrated by:
      – reference to an industrial award or enterprise agreement
      – market salary survey data such as Hays Salary guides or Payscale
      – advertisements from the last 6 months for equivalent positions in the same location (eg Seek, Indeed, CareerOne)
      – remuneration surveys completed by a reputable organisation
      – written advice from unions or employer associations
    • If operating a business
      • business registration and operational evidence (ABN/ASIC certificate)
      • business bank transaction statements
      • business profit and loss statement
      • Business Activity Statements lodged with the Australian Taxation Office

*(if not working or operating business please attach a ‘blank’ pdf or personal statement)

Tasmanian Established Resident (Subclass 190)

  • Current visa grant notice including any bridging visa notice or Administrative Appeals Tribunal or Federal Court review information if applicable (VEVO printouts are not acceptable).
  • Bank transaction statements showing daily activities in Tasmania since the date of arrival in Tasmania (please upload individually, NOT combined).
  • Evidence of living in Tasmania rental agreements OR if not available, statutory declarations.
  • Travel itinerary – airline/Spirit of Tasmania itinerary showing permanent arrival in Tasmania.
  • Employment or business information*
    • Current and previous employment contracts
    • Pay slips covering the duration of your employment
    • Most recent tax assessment notice or employer payment summary (if employment/business operation commenced prior to 1 July 2022)
    • Most recent superannuation statements
    • Evidence that your pay and conditions are consistent with local market rates. This can be  demonstrated by:
      – reference to an industrial award or enterprise agreement
      – market salary survey data such as Hays Salary guides or Payscale
      – advertisements from the last 6 months for equivalent positions in the same location (eg Seek, Indeed, CareerOne)
      – remuneration surveys completed by a reputable organisation
      – written advice from unions or employer associations
    • If operating a business
      • business registration and operational evidence (ABN/ASIC certificate)
      • business bank transaction statements
      • business profit and loss statement
      • Business Activity Statements lodged with the Australian Taxation Office

*(if not working or operating business please attach a ‘blank’ pdf or personal statement)

3. Additional Supporting Documents:

Below are some additional documents you may provide during the online application process.

  • Outstanding Tasmanian debts/payment plan summary (REQUIRED if you have an outstanding debt) that is signed and witnessed.
  • Declaration of nomination obligations if application has been submitted by a Migration Agent.
  • Appointment of a registered migration agent legal practitioner or exempt person Form 956 if application has been submitted by a Migration Agent.
  • Personal statement that is a maximum one-page summary of your current situation and intentions. It is very important to include this where your ties to Tasmania are unclear, you have lived in another part of Australia for a more than 2 years before moving to Tasmania or your family members are overseas or have only recently joined you.
    Include the following points:

    • Why do you wish to settle in Tasmania?
    • What additional career or business prospects or opportunities do you have in Tasmania that you cannot pursue elsewhere in Australia?
    • Details of family members settling with you. Where are they? How long have they lived in Tasmania? Are they currently studying or working?
    • If your spouse/partner or any dependents are currently overseas, explain why. If they have recently moved to Tasmania from another Australian state or territory, explain why and what they intend to do in Tasmania
  • Tasmanian drivers’ license.
  • Volunteer certificates and evidence.
  • Current employment reference Letter.
  • Evidence of job offers and interviews.
  • Adult dependant’s passport bio-data page.
  • Adult dependant’s current resume.
  • Dependant child/children passports bio-data pages.
  • Adult dependant’s skills assessment if available.
  • Adult dependant’s employment contract if currently employed in Tasmania.
  • Evidence of marriage, dependant relationship if claiming to meet dependant-related priority attributes. Adult dependant must be included in Expression of Interest on Skillselect.
  • Evidence of other educational qualifications achieved interstate or overseas.

Subclass 491 – Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Visa Tasmania Pathways


The Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491) is a provisional visa for skilled workers which allows you to live and work in Tasmania for up to five years.

Nomination from Tasmania for this visa provides you with 15 additional points to help meet the Department of Home Affairs points test pass mark of 65 points.

If you are nominated by the Tasmanian Government for this visa, you must live in Tasmania for at least 2 years after the visa has been granted.

You may be eligible to apply for permanent residency through the Subclass 191 Permanent Residence (Skilled Regional) visa after you have lived in Tasmania for at least three years and earned a minimum taxable income that meets the minimum threshold determined by the Department of Home Affairs for at least 3 years (currently set at AU$53,900).

Eligibility and important information

Visa Requirements – Department of Home Affairs

To be eligible for state nomination, you must meet the following requirements set out by the Department of Home Affairs.

You must have:

* not yet turned 45 years of age
* nominated an occupation on the relevant list of eligible skilled occupations
* a valid and positive skills assessment for your nominated occupation
* at least Competent’ English language proficiency
* at least 65 points on the Department of Home Affairs points test.

Please note that you also need to meet the Tasmanian Government nomination requirements to be eligible for state nomination.

Additional information

Multiple nominations are not permitted. Applicants supported for Subclass 491 Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa state nomination will not be able reapply for a Subclass 190 in the future. The Subclass 491 visa provides a pathway to permanent residency by way of a Subclass 191 visa. Previous state nominees supported for a Subclass 489 visa will need to follow the pathway to permanent residency by way of the Subclass 887 visa.

Do you have outstanding financial debts to the Tasmanian Government? If you or any family members (including those who don’t apply for nomination with you) owe fees to Tasmanian Government agencies, such as for education or health, the debt must be paid or arrangements for payment must be made prior to seeking nomination. You will not be eligible for nomination until the debt has been paid or a payment plan has been accepted by the agency.

Visa state nomination Application Fee

Applications for Tasmanian nomination incur a non-refundable service fee of AUD$220 (GST inclusive).

Tasmanian Skilled Employment Pathway (2022-23)

To be considered for this pathway you must meet all of the minimum criteria below.

You may also need to possess one or more of the priority attributes listed for this pathway (refer to the table below).

Minimum Criteria

If you are working in a role classified as Skill Level 1 – 3 according to ANZSCO:

  • You must have been working in Tasmania for at least 6 months immediately prior to your application. Your employment must average at least 20 hours per week over the 6-month period immediately prior to lodging your application.
  • If you have a skills assessment and related employment in an occupation listed on the Tasmanian Onshore Skilled Occupation List (TOSOL) – you may be eligible for nomination after 3 months of employment.
  • You must currently be living in Tasmania and intend to continue living in Tasmania (your dependents must not be living in another Australian state or territory).
  • Your employment does not need to be related to your skills assessment.
  • There must be a genuine, ongoing need for your position within the business (including a minimum 12-month contract with at least 3 months remaining at the time you apply for nomination).
  • If you are a subcontractor, you may be considered in this pathway if you have a related skills assessment and at least 12 months business activity in Tasmania.
  • If your employment is not related to your skills-assessment you must have relevant qualifications or experience consistent with the ANZSCO definition for that role.

If you are working in a role classified at ANZSCO Skill Level 4 or 5:

  • You must have been working in Tasmania for at least 6 months* immediately prior to your application. Your employment must average at least 20 hours per week over the 6-month period prior to lodging your application
  • You must currently be living in Tasmania and intend to continue living in Tasmania (your dependents must not be living in another Australian state or territory).
  • Your employment must be ongoing, for at least 6 months beyond the application date.
  • There must be a genuine and demonstrated severe labour recruitment difficulty for the role, endorsed by your employer in a statement detailing the need for the position, local recruitment and workforce development activities and strategies in place that have attempted to address that recruitment difficulty.
  • You must have relevant qualifications or experience consistent with the ANZSCO definition for that role (usually either a related Certificate III or 12 months experience. See “additional details and definitions”).
  • There must be opportunities for career advancement, endorsed in writing by your employer

*This requirement will change to at least 12 months for applications made in the 2023-24 program year.

Candidates who have only 6 months work experience in their ANZSCO 4 or 5 role are unlikely to be successful without possessing additional priority attributes.

Employment and conditions:

  • Your employer must be a well-established business that has been actively operating in Tasmania for the past 12 months.
  • Your wages and conditions must be no less favourable than those that would apply to an Australian citizen or permanent resident, and salary or wages are at least equivalent to the market salary rate.
  • There must be a genuine, ongoing need for your position within the business (including a minimum 12 month contract with at least 3 months remaining at the time you apply for nomination). The contract may be casual, but must comply with the Fair Work Ombudsman’s National Employment Standards.
Priority Attributes

Tasmanian Skilled Graduate Pathway (2022-23)

To be considered for this pathway you must meet all of the minimum criteria below.*

You may also need to possess one or more of the priority attributes listed for this pathway (refer to the table below).

Minimum Criteria
  • You must have completed a course of study and obtained a letter of completion from a tertiary institution in Tasmania registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).
  • You must have lived in the state for at least one calendar year from the commencement of your course and for the duration of your studies.
  • Your course of study must be AQF 5 (Diploma) or higher, or at least Certificate III related to an ANZSCO Major Group 3 or Group 4 occupation, and be listed on CRICOS with a duration of at least 40 weeks.
  • Your course must have been completed full-time and on-site in Tasmania.
  • You must currently be living in Tasmania and intend to continue living in Tasmania.

Graduates who were affected by COVID-19 travel restrictions should consider the flexible requirements for visa state nomination applicants affected by COVID-19 restrictions

Priority Attributes

Tasmanian Established Resident Pathway (2022-23)

To be considered for this pathway you must meet all of the minimum criteria below.

You may also need to possess one or more of the priority attributes listed for this pathway (refer to the table below).

Minimum Criteria
  • You must have been living in Tasmania for at least 2 years (with no more than 50 percent of total Australian residence period spent in another Australian state or territory) and currently be employed in Tasmania in either:
    • a role equivalent to ANZSCO Skill Level 1-3, including a cumulative 6 months experience at the same level in the last 12 months (a minimum 20 hours per week), or
    • a role equivalent to ANZSCO Skill Level 4 or 5, with a cumulative 12 months experience at the same level or higher in the last 18 months (a minimum 20 hours per week).
Priority Attributes

Overseas Applicant (Job Offer) Pathway (2022-23)

To be considered for this pathway you must meet all of the minimum criteria below.

Minimum Criteria
  • You must have received a formal job offer for a job that is based in Tasmania that is closely related to your nominated occupation.
  • You, or any of your dependents must not have lived in another Australian state or territory within the last 12 months.
  • Your employer must have a well-established business that has been actively operating in Tasmania for at least the past 12 months.
  • Your wages and conditions must be no less favourable than those that would apply to an Australian citizen or permanent resident, and salary or wages must be at least equivalent to the local market salary rate.
  • There must be a genuine and ongoing need for your position within the business and the capacity for the business to sustain your employment.
  • Massage therapist positions must be located in a hospital, aged or disability care setting or an allied healthcare setting such as a physiotherapy clinic.

Please also read and refer to the Migration Tasmania:
– Additional information, exclusions and definitions
Specification of Occupations and Assessing Authorities

Overseas Applicant (OSOP) – Invitation Only Pathway (2022-23)

To be considered for this pathway you must meet all of the minimum criteria below.

Minimum Criteria
  • Migration Tasmania has contacted you in writing through Skillselect to register on the Migration Tasmania Gateway (you will not be able to register if you have not first been contacted by Migration Tasmania).
  • Your nominated occupation must be listed in the Overseas Skilled Occupation Profiles (OSOP) list.
  • You, or any of your dependants, must not have lived in another Australian state or territory within the last twelve months.
  • You must have access to sufficient financial assets to fund your migration and settlement in Tasmania for at least 6 months while you seek employment.
  • If invited to apply for nomination you must provide evidence of contact with at least 2 Tasmanian employers who have been operating in Tasmania for at least 12 months. This should indicate that the business is interested in discussing employment opportunities with you.
  • If invited to apply for nomination you must provide personal research into recent advertised positions relevant to your nominated occupation (a minimum of 2 vacancies no older than 6 weeks before you apply for nomination).
  • You must provide an employment statement for each advertisement explaining how your qualifications, knowledge and experience relate to and meet the requirements for each of the job advertisements.

Please also read and refer to the Migration Tasmania:
– Additional information, exclusions and definitions

Supporting Information and Documents required:

When you apply for nomination you must supply documentation that supports the claims you made in your Registration of Interest and your application for nomination.

If you cannot support the claims you made in either your Registration of Interest and your application for nomination, your application will be refused.

Please ensure you have read and understood the nomination requirements before preparing the evidence listed below.

  • The documents listed below will be required to be uploaded during the online application process and before an application can be successfully lodged.
  • Migration Tasmania may also contact you for additional documents if required and directly contact people and organisations you have listed to confirm the information. This may include education providers, employers and real estate agents.
  • It is important that you ensure all documentation provided is current, up-to-date and genuine. You can update information by logging into your Migration Tasmanian Gateway account.
  • Where documentation or information is found to be false or misleading an application will be declined. Details may also be passed on to other agencies such as the Department of Home Affairs.
There are 3 groups of documents to upload:

1.   ESSENTIAL (required for all applications)

2.   PATHWAY SPECIFIC (required and related to your choice of nomination pathway)

3.   ADDITIONAL SUPPORTING (other miscellaneous documents)

IMPORTANT: Skills assessments and English tests must be current at time of nomination or visa applications may be refused by Home Affairs.

1. Essential required documents – all pathways:
  • Passport (Bio-Data page).
  • SkillSelect Expression of Interest (EOI) including the personal/education/employment details referred to in your Registration of Interest and nomination application.
  • Skills assessment issued by the relevant assessing body for your stated occupation. Must be dated within the last 3 years.
  • English language report (English proficiency test result ) dated within the last 3 years.
    If you hold a passport issued by the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, United States of America, or Republic of Ireland and do not need to complete an English language test for your skilled visa please attach a further copy of your passport bio data page.
  • Curriculum vitae (CV)/resume (up-to-date, including employment claims quoted in your registration and application).

2. Pathway specific documents (also required):

Tasmanian Skilled Employment (Subclass 491)

  • Current visa grant notice including any bridging visa notice or Administrative Appeals Tribunal or Federal Court review information if applicable (VEVO printouts are not acceptable).
  • Bank transaction statements showing daily activities in Tasmania since the date of arrival in Tasmania (please upload individually, NOT combined).
  • Evidence of living in Tasmania rental agreements OR if not available, statutory declarations.
  • Travel itinerary – airline/Spirit of Tasmania itinerary showing permanent arrival in Tasmania.
  • Signed employment contract/letter of offer.
  • Pay slips for 6 months immediately prior to application submission.
  • Tax assessment notice or employer payment summary – if employment commenced prior to 1 July 2022.
  • Most recent superannuation statement.
  • Evidence that pay and conditions are consistent with local market rates.
    This can be demonstrated by:
    – reference to an industrial award or enterprise agreement
    – market salary survey data such as Hays Salary guides or Payscale
    – advertisements from the last 6 months for equivalent positions in the same location (e.g. Seek, Indeed, CareerOne)
    – remuneration surveys completed by a reputable organisation, or
    – written advice from unions or employer associations.
  • Evidence of sponsoring employer support – if currently holding a Temporary Skill Shortage visa (subclass 482) and worked less than 12 months with their Tasmanian-based sponsoring employer.
  • Evidence of career opportunities, endorsed by employer – if working in ANZSCO 4 or 5 role.
  • Evidence of any other Australian Qualifications – academic transcript(s) and completion letter(s).

Tasmanian Skilled Graduate (Subclass 491)

  • Current visa grant notice including any bridging visa notice or Administrative Appeals Tribunal or Federal Court review information if applicable (VEVO printouts are not acceptable).
  • Evidence of Tasmanian qualifications – academic transcript and completion letter.
  • Evidence of CoE verification for all students enrolled in Tasmanian studies after 1 August 2022. For these future applicants a non-CoE enrolment will not be accepted.
  • Evidence of any other Australian qualifications – academic transcript(s) and completion letter(s).
  • Bank transaction statements showing daily activities in Tasmania since the date of arrival in Tasmania (please upload individually, NOT combined).
  • Evidence of living in Tasmania rental agreements OR if not available, statutory declarations.
  • Travel itinerary – airline/Spirit of Tasmania itinerary showing permanent arrival in Tasmania.
  • Employment or business information*
    • Current and previous employment contracts
    • Pay slips covering the duration of your employment
    • Most recent tax assessment notice or employer payment summary (if employment/business operation commenced prior to 1 July 2022)
    • Most recent superannuation statements
    • Evidence that your pay and conditions are consistent with local market rates. This can be  demonstrated by:
      – reference to an industrial award or enterprise agreement
      – market salary survey data such as Hays Salary guides or Payscale
      – advertisements from the last 6 months for equivalent positions in the same location (eg Seek, Indeed, CareerOne)
      – remuneration surveys completed by a reputable organisation
      – written advice from unions or employer associations
    • If operating a business
      • business registration and operational evidence (ABN/ASIC certificate)
      • business bank transaction statements
      • business profit and loss statement
      • Business Activity Statements lodged with the Australian Taxation Office.

*(if not working or operating business please attach a ‘blank’ pdf or personal statement)

Tasmanian Established Resident (Subclass 491)

  • Current visa grant notice including any bridging visa notice or Administrative Appeals Tribunal or Federal Court review information if applicable (VEVO printouts are not acceptable).
  • Bank transaction statements showing daily activities in Tasmania since the date of arrival in Tasmania (please upload individually, NOT combined).
  • Evidence of living in Tasmania – rental agreements OR if not available, statutory declarations.
  • Travel itinerary – airline/Spirit of Tasmania itinerary showing permanent arrival in Tasmania.
  • Employment information*
    • Current and previous employment contracts
    • Pay slips covering the duration of your employment
    • Most recent tax assessment notice or employer payment summary (if employment/business operation commenced prior to 1 July 2022)
    • Most recent superannuation statements
    • Evidence that your pay and conditions are consistent with local market rates. This can be  demonstrated by:
      – reference to an industrial award or enterprise agreement
      – market salary survey data such as Hays Salary guides or Payscale
      – advertisements from the last 6 months for equivalent positions in the same location (eg Seek, Indeed, CareerOne)
      – remuneration surveys completed by a reputable organisation
      – written advice from unions or employer associations.

*(if not working please attach a ‘blank’ pdf or personal statement)

Tasmanian Business Operator (Subclass 491)

Evidence must cover the immediately previous 12-month period, or 6 months if the business commenced before 15 April 2022.

  • Current visa grant notice including any bridging visa notice or Administrative Appeals Tribunal or Federal Court review information if applicable (VEVO printouts are not acceptable).
  • Evidence of living in Tasmania – rental agreements OR if not available, statutory declarations.
  • Travel itinerary – airline/Spirit of Tasmania itinerary showing permanent arrival in Tasmania.
    • Business registration and operational evidence (ABN/ASIC certificate).
    • Business bank transaction statements (12 months of most recent operations).
    • Business profit and loss statement.
    • Business Activity Statements (BAS) for the last 12-month period. 
    • Business plan including:
      • evidence of thorough research into, and understanding of the target market
      • research and understanding of relevant industry conditions, licensing and/or registration requirements for the business in Tasmania
      • realistic market opportunities for the proposed business in Tasmania, particularly where the business would be competing with other similar existing businesses already established in Tasmania
      • how your previous experience and qualifications will help you successfully build your business in Tasmania over at least the next 3-5 years.
  • Organisational chart for business including job titles only with an indication of ‘full-time’ or ‘part-time’.
  • Photographic evidence of business location and operations (10-12 photographs).
  • Marketing and promotion information such as website information, operational hours, ongoing marketing plans.
  • Evidence of completion of Fair Work Ombudsman online learning modules.

Overseas Applicant Job Offer (Subclass 491)

  • Signed employment contract/letter of offer showing details of pay, conditions, duties and duration of employment.
  • Recruitment evidence such as:
    • copy of job/position advertisement including copies of the full advertisement that show date of advert and location (not website links)
    • recruitment communications such as dated email/phone evidence of correspondence with employer during recruitment process
    • recruitment agency information – all correspondence and contact details if employment secured through an agency.
  • Evidence that pay and conditions are consistent with local market. This can be  demonstrated by:
    – reference to an industrial award or enterprise agreement
    – market salary survey data such as Hays Salary guides or Payscale
    – advertisements from the last 6 months for equivalent positions in the same location (eg Seek, Indeed, CareerOne)
    – remuneration surveys completed by a reputable organisation
    – written advice from unions or employer associations.

Overseas Applicant (OSOP) (Subclass 491)

  • Invitation letter from Migration Tasmania received via SkillSelect.
  • Employment research such as evidence of contact with at least 2 Tasmanian employers who have been operating in Tasmania for at least 12 months. This should express interest in discussing employment opportunities with you.
  • Employability statement which includes:
    • personal research into recent advertised positions relevant to the nominated occupation (2 advertisements required that are no more than 6 weeks old at the time of application). Include copies of the full advertisement that show date of advert and location (not website links).
    • an employment statement for each advertisement explaining how your qualifications, knowledge and experience relate to and meet the requirements for each submitted job advertisement (simply stating you meet the requirements is not sufficient).
  • Settlement statement a 1-page written summary to demonstrate that you have researched the cost of living in Tasmania and understand the settlement costs involved while you seek employment including:
    • the estimated cost of living in Tasmania in Australian Dollars for you and any dependants, including rent, food, transport and entertainment; and
    • the estimated cost of relocation to Tasmania, including but not limited to flights, freight and initial accommodation.

3. Additional Supporting Documents:

Below are some additional documents you may provide during the online application process.

  • Outstanding Tasmanian debts/payment plan summary (REQUIRED if you have an outstanding debt) that is signed and witnessed.
  • Declaration of nomination obligations if application has been submitted by a Migration Agent.
  • Appointment of a registered migration agent legal practitioner or exempt person Form 956 if application has been submitted by a Migration Agent.
  • Personal statement that is a maximum one-page summary of your current situation and intentions. It is very important to include this where your ties to Tasmania are unclear, you have lived in another part of Australia for a more than 2 years before moving to Tasmania or your family members are overseas or have only recently joined you.
    Include the following points:

    • Why do you wish to settle in Tasmania?
    • What additional career or business prospects or opportunities do you have in Tasmania that you cannot pursue elsewhere in Australia?
    • Details of family members settling with you. Where are they? How long have they lived in Tasmania? Are they currently studying or working?
    • If your spouse/partner or any dependents are currently overseas, explain why. If they have recently moved to Tasmania from another Australian state or territory, explain why and what they intend to do in Tasmania
  • Tasmanian drivers’ license.
  • Volunteer certificates and evidence.
  • Current employment reference Letter.
  • Evidence of job offers and interviews.
  • Adult dependant’s passport bio-data page.
  • Adult dependant’s current resume.
  • Dependant child/children passports bio-data pages.
  • Adult dependant’s skills assessment if available.
  • Adult dependant’s employment contract if currently employed in Tasmania.
  • Evidence of marriage, dependant relationship if claiming to meet dependant-related priority attributes. Adult dependant must be included in Expression of Interest on Skillselect.
  • Evidence of other educational qualifications achieved interstate or overseas.

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