Australian Migration Agents

Who is a Migration Agent?

A Registered Migration Agent has to complete a Migration Law and Practice graduate course and after meeting certain criteria and passing a knowledge test they become registered with MARA. Registered Migration Agents:

work will cover, but not limited to:

  • All necessary pre-application advice and assistance to the sponsoring company and the overseas candidate,
  • Nomination advice, preparation, documentation, legal submission and lodgement,
  • Visa application advice, preparation, documentation, legal submission and visa lodgement,
  • Lodgement of nomination and visa application with Department of Immigration, and
  • Monitoring of the application and attendance to all requests from Immigration, until decision.
  • Appeal on your behalf for a review with the Migration Review Tribunal (MRT) in circumstances where your application was unsuccessful in the first instance.

Migration Agents working in Australia must be registered with the office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA).
Here at VisaEnvoy we have experienced registered migration agents and Lawyers and we are based in Melbourne, Australia.

Migration Experts Melbourne

A small graphic icon with a stylized representation of the Sydney Opera House in shades of blue, suggesting a theme of Australian culture or tourism.

Our Locations

VisaEnvoy are Australian Migration Agents and Immigration Lawyers with offices across Australia. We have offices in a number of countries around the world who provide visa and migration services. Read about our offices to find out more details which may assist you. We are a team of dedicated professionals ready to assist you with all your migration inquiries! Australia’s top migration agency.

Featured in

A subtle, dark blue background with a stylized outline of the Australian Parliament House, likely representing political or legislative aspects of migration.
Logo for 'Three Best Rated,' consisting of a dark blue snail-like symbol and five stars above the text, indicating a ranking or endorsement for high-quality service.
Logo with the phrase 'BEST IN AU' above a stylized globe graphic with a plane, emphasizing excellence in Australian services or products.
Logo for ASCC, Australian Serbian Commerce Chamber, with a geometric design featuring the letters 'ASCC' in bold white font on a grey background, with the full name underneath in smaller text.
Icon of a calculator with a dark blue background, white keys, and a bright green side bar, possibly representing an active function key or a step in a calculation process
Dark blue background with the '9NEWS' logo in a lighter blue shade, representing the Australian news network
Dark blue background with 'Herald Sun' written in faint blue text, indicating the logo of a news publication."
Logo for SBS News, featuring an abstract, lightning-like symbol in bright blue alongside the words 'SBS NEWS' in capital letters on a navy blue background, representing the Special Broadcasting Service News channel in Australia