Important Changes to the Job Ready Program (JRP) with Trade Recognition Australia from 1 July 2022

From 1 July 2022, the Job Ready Program (JRP) will move from a four (4) step program to a three (3) step program.

The Job Ready Program (JRP) is for international student graduates who have received a completed qualification issued by a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), as a result of study in Australia. The RTO must be registered under the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) to deliver the training. Trades Recognition Australia (TRA) is a skills assessing authority within the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment (the Department) for nominated occupations.

What is the new process of Job Ready Program skills assessment.

The new Job Ready Program applicants will contact three steps only. From 1 July 2022, new applications will be accepted by selecting the JRP Program Registration and Eligibility option.

Transition Period

As a result of this key change, no new applications for the Provisional Skills Assessment (PSA) [Step 1 of the JRP] will be accepted after 4.00 pm (AEST) on 30 June 2022.

If you have not started your PSA application before 1 July 2022, you will not be able to apply for a PSA. You will need to apply under the new JRP process on or after 1 July 2022.

If you have applied for a PSA outcome before 1 July 2022, your application will be processed, and you will receive your PSA outcome.

If you have received a PSA outcome before 1 July 2022, your progress through the JRP will not be affected.

The following occupations are assessed by TRA
ANZSCO Occupation
334112 Airconditioning and Mechanical Services Plumber
342111 Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic
323111 Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Avionics)
323112 Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Mechanical)
323113 Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Structures)
393211 Apparel Cutter
362511 Arborist
321111 Automotive Electrician
351111 Baker
322111 Blacksmith
399111 Boat Builder and Repairer
331111 Bricklayer
399511 Broadcast Transmitter Operator
342311 Business Machine Mechanic
351211 Butcher or Smallgoods Maker
394111 Cabinetmaker
342411 Cabler (Data and Telecommunications)
399512 Camera Operator (Film, Television, Video)
393111 Canvas Goods Fabricator
331212 Carpenter
331211 Carpenter and Joiner
351311 Chef
399211 Chemical Plant Operator
393212 Clothing Patternmaker
342312 Communications Operator
351411 Cook
411212 Dental Prosthetist
411213 Dental Technician
321212 Diesel Motor Mechanic
334113 Drainer
393213 Dressmaker or Tailor
312312 Electrical Engineering Technician
342211 Electrical Linesworker
341111 Electrician (General)
341112 Electrician (Special Class)
312412 Electronic Engineering Technician
342313 Electronic Equipment Trades Worker
342314 Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (General)
342315 Electronic instrument Trades Worker (Special Class)
322112 Electroplater
323411 Engineering Patternmaker
323311 Engraver
322113 Farrier
333211 Fibrous Plasterer
399918 Fire Protection Equipment Technician
323211 Fitter (General)
323212 Fitter and Turner
323213 Fitter-Welder
332111 Floor Finisher
362111 Florist
394211 Furniture Finisher
399311 Gallery or Museum Technician
362211 Gardener (General)
399212 Gas or Petroleum Operator
334114 Gasfitter
333111 Glazier
392211 Graphic Pre-press Trades Worker
362311 Greenkeeper
323312 Gunsmith
391111 Hairdresser
313111 Hardware Technician
361112 Horse Trainer
313112 ICT Customer Support Officer
313199 ICT Support Technicians Nec
399411 Jeweller
452413 Jockey
331213 Joiner
362213 Landscape Gardener
393112 Leather Goods Maker
341113 Lift Mechanic
399513 Light Technician
323313 Locksmith
399514 Make Up Artist
312512 Mechanical Engineering Technician
322114 Metal Casting Trades Worker
322311 Metal Fabricator
323299 Metal Fitters and Machinists nec
323214 Metal Machinist (First Class)
322115 Metal Polisher
321211 Motor Mechanic (General)
321213 Motorcycle Mechanic
399515 Musical Instrument Maker or Repairer
362411 Nurseryperson
399913 Optical Dispenser
399914 Optical Mechanic
332211 Painting Trades Worker
324111 Panelbeater
351112 Pastrycook
394212 Picture Framer
399916 Plastics Technician
334111 Plumber (General)
399213 Power Generation Plant Operator
323314 Precision Instrument Maker and Repairer
322312 Pressure Welder
392111 Print Finisher
392311 Printing Machinist
313211 Radiocommunications Technician
334115 Roof Plumber
333311 Roof Tiler
393113 Sail Maker
323315 Saw Doctor
392112 Screen Printer
322211 Sheetmetal Trades Worker
399112 Shipwright
393114 Shoemaker
399611 Signwriter
321214 Small Engine Mechanic
392312 Small Offset Printer
333212 Solid Plasterer
399516 Sound Technician
331112 Stonemason
342212 Technical Cable Jointer
399999 Technicians and Trades Workers nec
342412 Telecommunications Cable Jointer
342413 Telecommunications Linesworker
342414 Telecommunications Technician
399517 Television Equipment Operator
323215 Textile, Clothing and Footwear Mechanic
323412 Toolmaker
393311 Upholsterer
324211 Vehicle Body Builder
324311 Vehicle Painter
324212 Vehicle Trimmer
242211 Vocational Education Teacher
333411 Wall and Floor Tiler
323316 Watch and Clock Maker and Repairer
322313 Welder (First Class)
394213 Wood Machinist
394299 Wood Machinists and Other Wood Trades Workers nec
394214 Wood Turner
399917 Wool Classer


Documentary evidence assessment requirements

Applicants must submit decision-ready documentary evidence of the applicant’s identity, skills, and employment experience with the initial application. The most common cause for delay, or an unsuccessful outcome is insufficient evidence of the required period of employment, the currency of employment (generally 12 months in the past three years in the nominated occupation) or the employment undertaken is limited in that it does not cover a sufficient range of tasks for the occupation being applied for e.g. a cook in a limited service restaurant or a mechanic that generally only works on transmissions.

At a minimum, the following should be supplied at the time of application:

Employer statements
The applicant must supply verifiable employer statements, and pay evidence for each period of employment they wish to claim.

Each statement should include:
  1. the exact employment period (start and finish dates)
  2. the normal hours of work
  3. the nature of employment (full-time, part-time, casual)
  4. job title (occupation)
  5. a detailed description of the relevant tasks undertaken
  6. the name and address of the business on official business letterhead
  7. the name, position, contact details and signature of the person authorised to make the statement and the length of time they supervised the applicant.

Pay evidence
Pay evidence should include (but is not limited to) two items listed below for each year they wish to claim:

  1. official government tax records or documents that may include payment summaries, group certificates or notices of assessment
  2. three payslips citing names of the employer and employee
  3. superannuation documents citing the names of the applicant and employer
  4. bank statements with the employer’s name and clearly showing income has been deposited.

Occupation experience and knowledge requirements

An applicant must demonstrate the experience, knowledge and skills across the entirety of the occupation being applied for.
For example, a light vehicle mechanic must demonstrate competency across the full range of tasks as an Australian mechanic, across systems including starting, ignition, cooling, braking, suspension, steering, etc. An applicant that simply carries out minor servicing and repairs is unlikely to be able to demonstrate the required competency across the full range of tasks.

TRA-approved RTOs are bound by the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015. Assessors must be qualified for the occupation they are assessing. Assessors provide reports to TRA for each applicant with the most common reasons for an applicant failing the technical assessment phase being:

  • applicants are unable to demonstrate their skills across the full range of competencies required
  • applicants are unable to complete the technical assessments in English without assistance (program requirement)
  • applicants are clearly working in a different role to that being applied under.

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