Study Scuba Diving

Potential Career Outcomes
Course overview

Want to explore the beautiful oceans as you study? In Australia, you can study to be a scuba diver and get a Certificate III and IV in Outdoor Recreation. The qualifications you gained in the course can be used internationally.

In these courses you will be exposed to topics such as:

  • Open sea diving
  • Perform rescues
  • Navigate prescribed routes underwater
  • Lead scuba diving activities
  • First Aid
  • Work Health and Safety
  • Identify hazards and assess risks for outdoor recreation activities
Graduate Outcomes
  • Upon completion, you will become a qualified scuba diver instructor.
  • Receive an international diver certification
Common Course Requirements
  • Completion of secondary education
  • Meet English proficiency (Usually at least IELTS 5.5 overall)
Related Courses

Some related courses include:

  • Certificate III in Outdoor Recreation

Duration: 39 – 52 weeks
Intake: Monthly
Cost: $5,490 – $13,880

Locations:  NSW, QLD

  • Certificate IV in Outdoor Recreation
    Duration: 47 – 52 weeks
    Intake: Monthly
    Cost: $10,300 – $37,170
    Locations: VIC, NSW, QLD

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