Study Fitness

Potential Career Outcomes

Some potential occupations include:

Course overview

Due to the increase awareness of the health benefits of physical activities, there has been a strong growth in this industry. It is projected that the fitness industry will continue to flourish over the next 5 years. People who work in the industry include gym instructors, personal trainers, sport coaches and other fitness services coordinators.

Passionate about fitness or teaching your own fitness class? In Australia, there are many courses you can take to start your career in this field. Australia offers courses both at the vocational training level across to higher education. In these courses you will be exposed to topics such as:

  • Fitness Program Planning
  • Fitness Appraisals
  • Group Training Program
  • Business Management
  • Community Fitness Program
  • Sport, Fitness or Recreation Event
  • Work Health and Safety
Graduate Outcomes
  • The number of people working in the industry is expected to grow strongly over the next 5 years.
  • Most graduates work in these industries: Education and Training, Arts and Recreation and Public Administration and Safety.
  • Many opportunities to work part-time.
Common Course Requirements
  • Completion of secondary education
  • Meet English proficiency (Usually at least IELTS 5.5 overall for Vocational courses, or 6.5 for University courses)
Related Courses

Some related courses include:

  • Certificate IV in Fitness

Duration: 11-78 weeks
Intake: 4 Terms
Cost: $4,200 – $15,000

Locations:  Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth

  • Certificate IV in Sport Coaching
    Duration: 36 -52 weeks
    Intake: 4 Terms
    Cost: $6,000 – $8,820
    Locations: NSW, QLD
  • Diploma of Sport Coaching  

Duration: 52-75 weeks

Intake: 4 Terms

Cost: From $11,500

Location: NSW, QLD

  • Bachelor of Sports Management

Duration: 156 weeks

Intake: twice a per year (February, July)

Cost: From $32,000 per year

Location: Most major cities throughout Australia

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