The following occupations are used to prioritise registrations of interest in the Migration Tasmania Gateway.
To meet the Gold priority attribute for the Tasmanian Skilled Employment, Tasmanian Skilled Graduate, and Tasmanian Established Resident pathways candidates must have a skills assessment for an occupation below and be working in a role in Tasmania in the same group. For example, someone with a skills assessment for “232212 Surveyor” could be working in any of the roles listed in the “2322 Surveyors and Spatial Scientists” group.
This document is not an authoritative list of the current or most pressing skills or workforce shortage areas in Tasmania.
Jobs and Skills Australia conducts ongoing research and publishes data regarding trends in the Australian job market, including workforce needs in Tasmania. For more information visit the Labour Market Insights portal.
Critical roles list - Tasmania
Occupation Group | Related Occupations / Roles |
1351 ICT Managers | 135111 Chief Information Officer |
135112 ICT Project Manager | |
135199 ICT Managers nec | |
2242 Archivists, Curators and Records Managers | 224211 Archivist |
224212 Gallery or Museum Curator | |
224213 Health Information Manager | |
224214 Records Manager | |
2331 Chemical and Materials Engineers | 233111 Chemical Engineer |
233112 Materials Engineer | |
2333 Electrical Engineers | 233311 Electrical Engineer |
2334 Electronics Engineers | 233411 Electronics Engineer |
2335 Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers | 233511 Industrial Engineer |
233512 Mechanical Engineer | |
233513 Production or Plant Engineer | |
2336 Mining Engineers | 233611 Mining Engineer (excluding Petroleum) |
233612 Petroleum Engineer | |
2339 Other Engineering Professionals | 233911 Aeronautical Engineer |
233912 Agricultural Engineer | |
233913 Biomedical Engineer | |
233914 Engineering Technologist | |
233915 Environmental Engineer | |
233916 Naval Architect / Marine Designer | |
233999 Engineering Professionals nec | |
2342 Chemists, and Food and Wine Scientists | 234211 Chemist |
234212 Food Technologist | |
234213 Wine Maker | |
2344 Geologists, Geophysicists and Hydrogeologists | 234411 Geologist |
234412 Geophysicist | |
234413 Hydrogeologist | |
2349 Other Natural and Physical Science Professionals | 234911 Conservator |
234912 Metallurgist | |
234913 Meteorologist | |
234914 Physicist | |
234915 Exercise Physiologist | |
234999 Natural and Physical Science Professionals nec | |
2411 Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teachers | 241111 Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teacher |
2412 Primary School Teachers | 241213 Primary School Teacher |
2413 Middle School Teacher / Intermediate School Teachers | 241311 Middle School Teacher / Intermediate School Teacher |
2414 Secondary School Teachers | 241411 Secondary School Teacher |
2415 Special Education Teachers | 241511 Special Needs Teacher |
241512 Teacher of the Hearing Impaired | |
241513 Teacher of the Sight Impaired | |
241599 Special Education Teachers nec | |
2511 Nutrition Professionals | 251111 Dietitian |
251112 Nutritionist | |
2512 Medical Imaging Professionals | 251211 Medical Diagnostic Radiographer |
251212 Medical Radiation Therapist | |
251213 Nuclear Medicine Technologist | |
251214 Sonographer | |
2514 Optometrists and Orthoptists | 251411 Optometrist |
251412 Orthoptist | |
2515 Pharmacists | 251511 Hospital Pharmacist |
251512 Industrial Pharmacist | |
251513 Retail Pharmacist | |
2519 Other Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals | 251911 Health Promotion Officer |
251912 Orthotist or Prosthetist | |
251999 Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals nec | |
2523 Dental Practitioners | 252311 Dental Specialist |
252312 Dentist | |
2524 Occupational Therapists | 252411 Occupational Therapist |
2525 Physiotherapists | 252511 Physiotherapist |
2526 Podiatrists | 252611 Podiatrist |
2527 Audiologists and Speech Pathologists \ Therapists | 252711 Audiologist |
252712 Speech Pathologist / Speech Language Therapist | |
2531 General Practitioners and Resident Medical Officers | 253111 General Practitioner |
253112 Resident Medical Officer | |
2532 Anaesthetists | 253211 Anaesthetist |
2533 Specialist Physicians | 253311 Specialist Physician (General Medicine) |
253312 Cardiologist | |
253313 Clinical Haematologist | |
253314 Medical Oncologist | |
253315 Endocrinologist | |
253316 Gastroenterologist | |
253317 Intensive Care Specialist | |
253318 Neurologist | |
253321 Paediatrician | |
253322 Renal Medicine Specialist | |
253323 Rheumatologist | |
253324 Thoracic Medicine Specialist | |
253399 Specialist Physicians nec | |
2534 Psychiatrists | 253411 Psychiatrist |
2535 Surgeons | 253511 Surgeon (General) |
253512 Cardiothoracic Surgeon | |
253513 Neurosurgeon | |
253514 Orthopaedic Surgeon | |
253515 Otorhinolaryngologist | |
253516 Paediatric Surgeon | |
253517 Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon | |
253518 Urologist | |
253521 Vascular Surgeon | |
2539 Other Medical Practitioners | 253911 Dermatologist |
253912 Emergency Medicine Specialist | |
253913 Obstetrician and Gynaecologist | |
253914 Ophthalmologist | |
253915 Pathologist | |
253917 Diagnostic and Interventional Radiologist | |
253918 Radiation Oncologist | |
253999 Medical Practitioners nec | |
253512 Cardiothoracic Surgeon | |
2541 Midwives | 254111 Midwife |
2542 Nurse Educators and Researchers | 254211 Nurse Educator |
254212 Nurse Researcher | |
2543 Nurse Managers | 254311 Nurse Manager |
2544 Registered Nurses | 254411 Nurse Practitioner |
254412 Registered Nurse (Aged Care) | |
254413 Registered Nurse (Child and Family Health) | |
254414 Registered Nurse (Community Health) | |
254415 Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency) | |
254416 Registered Nurse (Developmental Disability) | |
254417 Registered Nurse (Disability and Rehabilitation) | |
254418 Registered Nurse (Medical) | |
254421 Registered Nurse (Medical Practice) | |
254422 Registered Nurse (Mental Health) | |
254423 Registered Nurse (Perioperative) | |
254424 Registered Nurse (Surgical) | |
254425 Registered Nurse (Paediatrics) | |
254499 Registered Nurses nec | |
2611 ICT Business and Systems Analysts | 261111 ICT Business Analyst |
261112 Systems Analyst | |
261113 User Experience Designer (ICT) | |
2612 Multimedia Specialists and Web Developers | 261211 Multimedia Specialist |
261212 Web Developer | |
2613 Software and Applications Programmers | 261311 Analyst Programmer |
261312 Developer Programmer | |
261313 Software Engineer | |
261314 Software Tester | |
261315 Cyber Security Engineer | |
261316 DevOps Engineer | |
261317 Penetration Tester | |
261399 Software and Applications Programmers nec | |
2621 Database and Systems Administrators, and ICT Security Specialists | 262111 Database Administrator |
262113 Systems Administrator | |
262114 Cyber Governance Risk and Compliance Specialist | |
262115 Cyber Security Advice and Assessment Specialist | |
262116 Cyber Security Analyst | |
262117 Cyber Security Architect | |
262118 Cyber Security Operations Coordinator | |
2631 Computer Network Professionals | 263111 Computer Network and Systems Engineer |
263112 Network Administrator | |
263113 Network Analyst | |
2632 ICT Support and Test Engineers | 263211 ICT Quality Assurance Engineer |
263212 ICT Support Engineer | |
263213 ICT Systems Test Engineer | |
263299 ICT Support and Test Engineers nec | |
2723 Psychologists | 272311 Clinical Psychologist |
272312 Educational Psychologist | |
272313 Organisational Psychologist | |
272314 Psychotherapist | |
272399 Psychologists nec | |
2725 Social Workers | 272511 Social Worker |
4112 Dental Hygienists, Technicians and Therapists | 411211 Dental Hygienist |
411212 Dental Prosthetist | |
411213 Dental Technician | |
411214 Dental Therapist | |
4113 Diversional Therapists | 411311 Diversional Therapist |
4114 Enrolled and Mothercraft Nurses | 411411 Enrolled Nurse |
4117 Welfare Support Workers | 411711 Community Worker |
411712 Disabilities Services Officer | |
411713 Family Support Worker | |
411714 Parole or Probation Officer | |
411715 Residential Care Officer | |
411716 Youth Worker |
Select a state below to see it’s requirements:

State and territory requirements
Each state and territory has its own list of occupations, requirements and processes you must follow.
More information about the requirements and processes on how Australian states or territories nominate applicants is available.