How to find a job – New Zealand

In order for migrants to be able to secure residence in New Zealand under the Skilled Migrant Category they need to score at least 6 points.  The points are scored for things like the applicant’s age, their qualifications, their skilled position and so forth.

You can apply for this visa if you currently work or you have a job offer from an accredited employer, and qualify for 6 points for your skills and work in New Zealand.

For applicants who have an employer willing to sponsor them, or considering coming to New Zealand to study, we recommend booking a video appointment.

We do not assist in finding jobs and suggest you look for jobs through job search and recruitment agencies in New Zealand. Once you have a job offer there are other work visas which you may be eligible for.

It is perfectly acceptable and legal to apply for jobs before you get a visa. Employers generally understand the situation, and when you get a job, will help you with your visa application. Just remember however you won’t be able to start working, and earning, until your visa is approved.

This section has practical information to help you find a job in New Zealand. As you’ll see, even if you’re not yet in the country, there’s lots you can do to get started.

Finding a job from overseas

There are lots of job websites in New Zealand. Many of them post jobs from employers expecting applications from people already in New Zealand.  Some specialise in connecting with people overseas.

Sector specific websites

Some specialised sectors and professions have dedicated job websites. If you are looking for a job in one of these sectors, check out the website:

Healthcare jobs | Kiwi Health Jobs

Dairy farming jobs | Farm Source jobs

Education jobs | Education Gazette

Crown Research Institute jobs | Science New Zealand

Engineering jobs | Engineering New Zealand

General job websites

The most popular websites for jobs in New Zealand are TradeMe and Seek. These sites list a lot of vacancies.

You can find other general job vacancy websites on the website.

Trade Me Jobs

Job vacancy and recruitment websites |

Recruitment companies

New Zealand employers often use recruitment companies or agencies to find suitable employees, particularly for specialist and high-level jobs. You can register with more than one recruitment company. The New Zealand employment market is small, so it is important to keep track of who you have contacted about jobs and when.

You do not need to pay the company or agency as they get paid by the employer when they place someone in a job.

You can find a list of recruitment agents on the website.

Job vacancy and recruitment websites |

Professional registration

Depending on your specialty, you may be required to register with a professional body in order to get a job and visa. In any case, getting a visa may be more straightforward if you are able to obtain professional registration in New Zealand.

More details are on the Immigration New Zealand website.

Occupational registration | Immigration NZ

Contacting employers directly

In New Zealand, approaching potential employers directly is an accepted and very successful approach.

Employers here often have vacancies they are not advertising on jobs websites, or that they have not got round to advertising yet. You may just be ‘the right person at the right time’.

In any case, showing this sort of initiative always impresses New Zealand employers, even if they refer you to a job application process or recruitment company.

You can also contact professional bodies and employer organisations directly.

Using phone or email

Do not be afraid to call or email a company you are interested in working for, even if that is not how you do things in your home country.

You can ask if they have any jobs now or coming up. You can also ask for an informal interview or at least for the opportunity to send in your CV with a covering letter.

If they do not have a suitable job for you, the people you contact may offer you the name of someone in another company. Or they may give you advice about other skills you have that may be useful to others.

Calling employers from overseas is not much harder than calling them in your home country. Just remember you must pay for the call and to check the time difference between your location and New Zealand.

New Zealand immigration law is complex and conducting an appropriate initial assessment takes time and therefore we charge a minimal fee of AU$160. The consultation fee will go towards your agreement if you decide to use our full services. You can book your appointment through this link:  (You will see all times available in your local time). Both the applicant and anyone else relevant to the case can join the video call even if you are in different locations.

When booking your appointment please provide the below (alternatively you can email them to me):

  • Your CV and date of birth
  • Your most recent New Zealand visa approval letter (if applicable)
  • Partner’s CV and date of birth (if applicable)
  • Advise whether you or any other person included in your application has any health or character (criminal) issues
  • A short summary of your situation including your visa history in New Zealand (if applicable)

Please see here for more information:

To get an idea of our fees for NZ visas please see here:

We look forward to assisting you.