Work experience requirements for 482 TSS visa reduced

Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) visa – work experience reduced

The Government will reduce the work experience requirement for the Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) visa from two years to one year for all applicants from 23 November 2024 onwards

Currently TSS 482 visa applicants are required to have worked in the nominated occupation, or a related field, for at least two years in the last 5 years (in or outside of Australia). Work experience related caveats that applied at the nomination stage for the subclass 457 visa will not apply to TSS nominations.

Examples include:

  • Work experience will be considered flexibly in the context of the nominated occupation and industry practices
  • The work experience should have been undertaken in the last five years and would need to be calculated in terms of full time work. Part time work experience may be considered
  • Experience gained as part of the research components of a Masters and/or PhD may be considered as work experience for relevant occupations, such as medical and research occupations
  • Experience gained through clinical placements and internships may be considered as work experience for medical practitioners, including Resident Medical Officers (RMOs)
  • The internship component of the Professional Year Program may be considered as work experience for relevant occupations
  • Performance experience gained while studying may be considered for applicants with a performing arts occupation.
  • Casual employment should not be counted towards meeting the work experience requirement.

For example, experience is able to be counted where it was gained:

  • as part of a Masters and/or PhD – for relevant occupations, such as medical and research occupations
  • while studying through a formal arrangement (for example, a clinical/industry placement, internship or apprenticeship) that is undertaken:
    • as part of a Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) registered course of study where it is relevant to the occupation (for example, for medical practitioners, experience gained through internships or the final year medical training, including periods of clinical placements)
    • outside of a CRICOS registered course of study, where undertaken at the skill level of the relevant occupation.