The Distinguished Talent visa of the Global Talent Initiative Program is a streamlined program aimed to attract highly skilled and talented individuals. The Department is looking for individuals who are skilled in one of the seven target sectors and are able to earn a salary that meets the fair work high-income threshold (currently $162,000) or be a high a performing recent PhD, Masters or Honours graduate.
Access to the program is via referral from either the Global Talent Officers or by a nominator.
The government recently released data regarding the Distinguished Talent stream of the Global Talent Initiative Program. The data collected is for the period of 1 January 2020 until 9 September 2020. The data addressed two key questions:
- What is the breakdown of the number of invitations issued and the nationalities of those invited?
- What is the time frame between lodgement of the EOI and the decision being made on the application?
Let’s have a look at the data.
What is the breakdown of the number of invitations issued and the nationalities of those invited?
Based on the result, during this period Iranian nationals received the most invitations. A total of 539 invitations were issued to citizens of Iran throughout this period. Below is a breakdown of invitation issued each months from January 2020 until September 2020.
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Total |
37 | 99 | 127 | 120 | 117 | 28 | 8 | <5 | N/A | 539 |
Following Iran, 384 invitations were issued to Bangladesh nationals. 265 invitations were issued to citizens of India and, 218 Chinese nationals received the invitations.
What is the time frame between lodgement of the EOI and the decision being made on the application?
Most of the decisions are made within 14 days after the lodgement of the EOI. A total of 1447 applications were decided within 14 days. 1058 applications were decided between 14 days to 1 month. Only 198 cases took more than 3 months to be decided. As seen, the processing time is relatively fast.
Related: Global Talent Independent program (GTI)
Related: Australian Computer Society Nominates for Global Talent Visa
Related: Global Talent visa invitation numbers by nationality
Related: Distinguished Talent Visa (Subclass 858) – Onshore
Related: Distinguished Talent visa (subclass 124) – Offshore

Victor Organero
GradCertMigLaw (VU),
Juris Doctor -Master of Laws (current) – MARN 1796030
If you would like to discuss your Distinguished Talent /Global Talent visa eligibility send an email to [email protected] or book a time here.