Education Agent Australia

VisaEnvoy Education agents can help you find the right university, college or school in Australia and assist you with applying for a course.

Education Agents working in Australia must be qualified and QEAC certified.

Here at VisaEnvoy we have experienced Qualified Education Agent Counsellors (QEACs) and we are based in Melbourne, Australia.

Why use an education agent

Not only can education agents assist with the application process, here at VisaEnvoy we can also advise you on other matters such as visas, immigration matters, accommodation, travel and more.

Before looking for an agent

Here at Visaenvoy we have formal working relationships with particular schools, colleges and universities. This means we know the application processes well, and able to help you effectively. If you already know the course and university where you want to study, choosing an agent who represents this education institute may be ideal for you.

However, if you are interested in exploring your options and different education institutions and evaluating which one is best suited to you – make sure the agent is able to present you with the full range of options, rather than just the particular schools, colleges or universities they represent.

How to find an agent

If you have already identified a university, college or institute where you would like to study contact us to arrange in obtaining your admission, Confirmation of Enrollment (COE) and visa matters.

Feel free to contact us or book a consultation to find the right path and course for you.  We are experts and industry leaders with vast knowledge of the Australia and New Zealand’s education system.


As well as having Qualified Education Agents in our team we are registered migration agents, we adhere to the migration agents code of conduct.

Migration Experts Melbourne

A small graphic icon with a stylized representation of the Sydney Opera House in shades of blue, suggesting a theme of Australian culture or tourism.

Our Locations

VisaEnvoy are Australian Migration Agents and Immigration Lawyers with offices across Australia. We have offices in a number of countries around the world who provide visa and migration services. Read about our offices to find out more details which may assist you. We are a team of dedicated professionals ready to assist you with all your migration inquiries! Australia’s top migration agency.