The subclass 494- Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) visa enables regional employers to address identified labour shortages within their region by sponsoring skilled workers where employers can’t source an appropriately skilled Australian worker
Here are the processing times based on the 494 visa stream:

494 Employer Sponsored stream Processing Times
- 25% of applications: 5 Months
- 50% of applications: 9 Months
- 75% of applications: 12 Months
- 90% of applications: 14 Months

494 labour agreement stream Processing Times
- 25% of applications: 59 Days
- 50% of applications: 78 Days
- 75% of applications: 5 Months
- 90% of applications: 8 Months

494 Subsequent entrant stream processing Times
- Processing times are not available.
Book a meeting today for a commitment free briefing with our Registered Migration Agents in Melbourne to find more about your visa options.