494 visa exemptions

494 Visa age exemptions

You must be under 45 years of age for the new Subclass 494 Skilled Employer Sponsored (Regional) unless you are:

  • An “academic” applicant that:
      • are nominated by an Australian University, and
      • are a faculty head or a University lecturer (level A, B, C, D, or E) or
  • A “Subclass 457/482 worker” that:
      • have been employed by your nominating employer for at least three years, and
      • In the same nominated occupation as the Subclass 494 nomination, and
      • income was at least equal to the high income threshold (currently $175,000), and
      • You held a Subclass 457 or a Subclass 482 visa at all times during the three years
  • A “regional medical practitioner applicant” that:
      • nominated medical practitioner position is in a regional area, and
      • employed as a medical practitioner for three years immediately prior to the visa application, and at least two years of that employment was in a regional area, and
      • held either a Subclass 457 visa or a Subclass 482 visa during the three year period.
  • A “science applicant” that:
      • is a science research, a scientist, or a technical specialist, and
      • nominated by a science occupation, and
      • The skill level of the nominated occupation is level 1 or 2 in the ANZSCO guide.
  • A “Subclass 444/461 worker” that:
      • In the three years before the visa application is spent at least two years working for the employer who will nominate you for a Subclass 494 visa, in the same occupation and,
      • held a Subclass 444, or a subclass 461 visa during the three year period.
