How to go from the Skilled Regional (Provisional) Visa (Subclass 489) to PR (Permanent Residency)?
To be able to apply for Permanent visa you first need to make sure you’ve met your obligations on the 489 visa mainly:
As a state nominated visa holder, you must:
- Live and work in the state that sponsored you for two years from the date your visa is granted
- after you arrive and get settled into your new home, you must advise your state of your address and contact details. You must continue to notify your state of any changes to your residential address and contact details during the period of the 489 visa.
You met your 489 visa conditions
Please ensure that you abide by the provisional visa conditions as specified by the Department of Home Affairs, because if you don’t it will affect you and your dependents when you apply for permanent residency (887 visa) in the future.
Most importantly:
- The 489 visa is a four-year provisional visa that requires you to live in a regional area for at least two years and work full time (minimum 35 hours a week) for at least 12 months, before you become eligible to apply for permanent residency.
- While you are on this visa, you and any dependents on the same visa must live, work and/or study in a regional area.
- You must continue to abide by the current 489 visa conditions until you are granted permanent residency.
Get in touch with your trusted registered Migration Agent in Melbourne and maximise your chances of becoming an Australian permanent resident. Other Temporary to Permanent visa options and how to become an Australian permanent resident:
Select a state below to see it’s requirements:

State and territory requirements
Each state and territory has its own list of occupations, requirements and processes you must follow.
More information about the requirements and processes on how Australian states or territories nominate applicants is available.