Work experience required for 482 SID visa

Reduction of work experience requirement: The minimum relevant work experience requirement for the SID 482 visa has been reduced from two years full time at a skilled level to one year full time (or equivalent part time/casual) at a skilled level within the five years preceding the visa application.

You must have at least 1 year relevant work experience in the nominated occupation or a related field.

Such work experience must be completed while working in the nominated occupation or performing tasks at the same skill level in a related field.

Work experience gained in a related field would involve tasks which are the same or closely related to those of the nominated position you intend to work as outlined in the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO).

You should have gained your experience on a full-time, part-time or casual basis within the last 5 years. Work carried out on a part-time or casual basis must be equivalent to at least 12 months full-time work. The period of work does not need to be continuous.

Other ways you may be able to demonstrate your work experience could include where you have gained your experience:

  • as part of a Masters and/or PhD – for relevant occupations, such as medical and research occupations
  • while studying through a formal arrangement such as a clinical or industry placement, internship or apprenticeship

If the formal arrangement as specified above was:

  • part of a CRICOS registered course, the study must have been relevant to the nominated occupation. For example, medical practitioners could count experience gained through internships or their final year of medical training, including periods of clinical placements.
  • not part of a CRICOS registered course, the study must have been undertaken at the skill level of the relevant occupation

Have relevant skills, qualifications and employment background to perform occupation

If you are the primary visa applicant, you must demonstrate that you have the skills and experience necessary to perform the nominated occupation.

Some applicants must undertake a skills assessment to demonstrate this – see Have a positive skills assessment below.

If it is not mandatory for you to undertake a skills assessment, you are still required to provide other evidence to demonstrate that you meet these requirement. See Skills and occupation documents under the Step by Step tab.

Medical Practitioners

If the nominated occupation is a medical practitioner, you must have your qualifications recognised by the relevant authority in Australia for the registration of medical practitioners as entitling you to practise as a medical practitioner.