The following occupations are likely to be applicable to the specialist skills visa pathway , tier 3 of the Skills in Demand 482 visa. The stream is likely to have a processing turnaround of 7 days. Trades occupations, machinery operators, drivers and labourers will be excluded from this visa class. There will be 3,000 places allocated per year. The ‘specialist skills’ visa for those earning over $135,000 per year.
Code | Title |
111111 | Chief Executive or Managing Director |
111211 | Corporate General Manager |
111212 | Defence Force Senior Officer |
111311 | Local Government Legislator |
111312 | Member of Parliament |
111399 | Legislators nec |
121111 | Aquaculture Farmer |
121311 | Apiarist |
121312 | Beef Cattle Farmer |
121313 | Dairy Cattle Farmer |
121314 | Deer Farmer |
121315 | Goat Farmer |
121316 | Horse Breeder |
121318 | Pig Farmer |
121321 | Poultry Farmer |
121322 | Sheep Farmer |
121323 | Mixed Cattle and Sheep Farmer |
121399 | Livestock Farmers nec |
121511 | Cotton Grower |
121512 | Grain, Oilseed, Pulse or Pasture Grower / Field Crop Grower |
121513 | Sugar Cane Grower |
121599 | Broadacre Crop Growers nec |
121611 | Flower Grower |
121612 | Fruit Grower |
121613 | Nut Grower |
121614 | Production Nursery Grower |
121615 | Turf Grower |
121616 | Vegetable Grower (Aus) / Market Gardener (NZ) |
121617 | Wine Grape Grower |
121699 | Horticultural Crop Growers nec |
121711 | Broadacre Crop and Livestock Farmer |
121799 | Mixed Production Farmers nec |
131112 | Sales and Marketing Manager |
131113 | Advertising Manager |
131114 | Public Relations Manager |
132111 | Corporate Services Manager |
132211 | Finance Manager |
132311 | Human Resource Manager |
132411 | Policy and Planning Manager |
132511 | Research and Development Manager |
133111 | Construction Project Manager |
133112 | Project Builder |
133211 | Engineering Manager |
133311 | Importer or Exporter |
133312 | Wholesaler |
133411 | Manufacturer |
133511 | Production Manager (Forestry) |
133512 | Production Manager (Manufacturing) |
133513 | Production Manager (Mining) |
133611 | Supply and Distribution Manager |
133612 | Procurement Manager |
134111 | Child Care Centre Manager |
134211 | Medical Administrator / Medical Superintendent |
134212 | Nursing Clinical Director |
134213 | Primary Health Organisation Manager |
134214 | Welfare Centre Manager |
134299 | Health and Welfare Services Managers nec |
134311 | School Principal |
134411 | Faculty Head |
134412 | Regional Education Manager |
134499 | Education Managers nec |
135111 | Chief Information Officer |
135112 | ICT Project Manager |
135199 | ICT Managers nec |
139111 | Commissioned Defence Force Officer |
139112 | Commissioned Fire Officer |
139113 | Commissioned Police Officer |
139211 | Senior Non-commissioned Defence Force Member |
139911 | Arts Administrator or Manager |
139912 | Environmental Manager |
139913 | Laboratory Manager |
139915 | Sports Administrator |
139916 | Quality Assurance Manager |
139917 | Regulatory Affairs Manager |
139999 | Specialist Managers nec |
141111 | Cafe or Restaurant Manager |
141211 | Caravan Park and Camping Ground Manager |
141311 | Hotel or Motel Manager |
141411 | Licensed Club Manager |
141911 | Bed and Breakfast Operator |
141912 | Retirement Village Manager |
141999 | Accommodation and Hospitality Managers nec |
142111 | Retail Manager (General) |
142112 | Antique Dealer |
142113 | Betting Agency Manager |
142114 | Hair or Beauty Salon Manager |
142115 | Post Office Manager |
142116 | Travel Agency Manager |
149111 | Amusement Centre Manager |
149112 | Fitness Centre Manager |
149113 | Sports Centre Manager |
149211 | Call or Contact Centre Manager |
149212 | Customer Service Manager |
149311 | Conference and Event Organiser |
149411 | Fleet Manager |
149412 | Railway Station Manager |
149413 | Transport Company Manager |
149911 | Boarding Kennel or Cattery Operator |
149912 | Cinema or Theatre Manager |
149913 | Facilities Manager |
149914 | Financial Institution Branch Manager |
149915 | Equipment Hire Manager |
149999 | Hospitality, Retail and Service Managers nec |
211111 | Actor |
211112 | Dancer or Choreographer |
211113 | Entertainer or Variety Artist |
211199 | Actors, Dancers and Other Entertainers nec |
211211 | Composer |
211212 | Music Director |
211213 | Musician (Instrumental) |
211214 | Singer |
211299 | Music Professionals nec |
211311 | Photographer |
211411 | Painter (Visual Arts) |
211412 | Potter or Ceramic Artist |
211413 | Sculptor |
211499 | Visual Arts and Crafts Professionals nec |
212111 | Artistic Director |
212112 | Media Producer (excluding Video) |
212113 | Radio Presenter |
212114 | Television Presenter |
212211 | Author |
212212 | Book or Script Editor |
212311 | Art Director (Film, Television or Stage) |
212312 | Director (Film, Television, Radio or Stage) |
212313 | Director of Photography |
212314 | Film and Video Editor |
212315 | Program Director (Television or Radio) |
212316 | Stage Manager |
212317 | Technical Director |
212318 | Video Producer |
212399 | Film, Television, Radio and Stage Directors nec |
212411 | Copywriter |
212412 | Newspaper or Periodical Editor |
212413 | Print Journalist |
212414 | Radio Journalist |
212415 | Technical Writer |
212416 | Television Journalist |
212499 | Journalists and Other Writers nec |
221111 | Accountant (General) |
221112 | Management Accountant |
221113 | Taxation Accountant |
221211 | Company Secretary |
221212 | Corporate Treasurer |
221213 | External Auditor |
221214 | Internal Auditor |
222111 | Commodities Trader |
222112 | Finance Broker |
222113 | Insurance Broker |
222199 | Financial Brokers nec |
222211 | Financial Market Dealer |
222212 | Futures Trader |
222213 | Stockbroking Dealer |
222299 | Financial Dealers nec |
222311 | Financial Investment Adviser |
222312 | Financial Investment Manager |
223111 | Human Resource Adviser |
223112 | Recruitment Consultant |
223113 | Workplace Relations Adviser |
223311 | Training and Development Professional |
224111 | Actuary |
224112 | Mathematician |
224114 | Data Analyst |
224115 | Data Scientist |
224116 | Statistician |
224211 | Archivist |
224212 | Gallery or Museum Curator |
224213 | Health Information Manager |
224214 | Records Manager |
224311 | Economist |
224411 | Intelligence Officer |
224412 | Policy Analyst |
224511 | Land Economist |
224512 | Valuer |
224611 | Librarian |
224712 | Organisation and Methods Analyst |
224713 | Management Consultant |
224714 | Supply Chain Analyst |
224911 | Electorate Officer |
224912 | Liaison Officer |
224913 | Migration Agent / Immigration Consultant |
224914 | Patents Examiner |
224999 | Information and Organisation Professionals nec |
225111 | Advertising Specialist |
225112 | Market Research Analyst |
225113 | Marketing Specialist |
225114 | Content Creator (Marketing) |
225115 | Digital Marketing Analyst |
225211 | ICT Account Manager |
225212 | ICT Business Development Manager |
225213 | ICT Sales Representative |
225311 | Public Relations Professional |
225411 | Sales Representative (Industrial Products) |
225412 | Sales Representative (Medical and Pharmaceutical Products) |
225499 | Technical Sales Representatives nec |
231111 | Aeroplane Pilot |
231112 | Air Traffic Controller |
231113 | Flying Instructor |
231114 | Helicopter Pilot |
231199 | Air Transport Professionals nec |
231211 | Master Fisher |
231212 | Ship's Engineer |
231213 | Ship's Master |
231214 | Ship's Officer |
231215 | Marine Surveyor |
231299 | Marine Transport Professionals nec |
232111 | Architect |
232112 | Landscape Architect |
232212 | Surveyor |
232213 | Cartographer |
232214 | Other Spatial Scientist |
232311 | Fashion Designer |
232312 | Industrial Designer |
232313 | Jewellery Designer |
232411 | Graphic Designer |
232412 | Illustrator |
232413 | Multimedia Designer |
232414 | Web Designer |
232511 | Interior Designer |
232611 | Urban and Regional Planner |
233111 | Chemical Engineer |
233112 | Materials Engineer |
233211 | Civil Engineer |
233212 | Geotechnical Engineer |
233213 | Quantity Surveyor |
233214 | Structural Engineer |
233215 | Transport Engineer |
233311 | Electrical Engineer |
233411 | Electronics Engineer |
233511 | Industrial Engineer |
233512 | Mechanical Engineer |
233513 | Production or Plant Engineer |
233611 | Mining Engineer (excluding Petroleum) |
233612 | Petroleum Engineer |
233911 | Aeronautical Engineer |
233912 | Agricultural Engineer |
233913 | Biomedical Engineer |
233914 | Engineering Technologist |
233915 | Environmental Engineer |
233916 | Naval Architect / Marine Designer |
233999 | Engineering Professionals nec |
234111 | Agricultural Consultant |
234113 | Forester / Forest Scientist |
234114 | Agricultural Research Scientist |
234115 | Agronomist |
234116 | Aquaculture or Fisheries Scientist |
234211 | Chemist |
234212 | Food Technologist |
234213 | Wine Maker |
234311 | Conservation Officer |
234312 | Environmental Consultant |
234313 | Environmental Research Scientist |
234314 | Park Ranger |
234399 | Environmental Scientists nec |
234411 | Geologist |
234412 | Geophysicist |
234413 | Hydrogeologist |
234511 | Life Scientist (General) |
234513 | Biochemist |
234514 | Biotechnologist |
234515 | Botanist |
234516 | Marine Biologist |
234517 | Microbiologist |
234521 | Entomologist |
234522 | Zoologist |
234599 | Life Scientists nec |
234611 | Medical Laboratory Scientist |
234612 | Respiratory Scientist |
234711 | Veterinarian |
234911 | Conservator |
234912 | Metallurgist |
234913 | Meteorologist |
234914 | Physicist |
234915 | Exercise Physiologist |
234999 | Natural and Physical Science Professionals nec |
241111 | Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teacher |
241213 | Primary School Teacher |
241311 | Middle School Teacher / Intermediate School Teacher |
241411 | Secondary School Teacher |
241511 | Special Needs Teacher |
241512 | Teacher of the Hearing Impaired |
241513 | Teacher of the Sight Impaired |
241599 | Special Education Teachers nec |
242111 | University Lecturer |
242112 | University Tutor |
242211 | Vocational Education Teacher / Polytechnic Teacher |
249111 | Education Adviser |
249112 | Education Reviewer |
249211 | Art Teacher (Private Tuition) |
249212 | Dance Teacher (Private Tuition) |
249213 | Drama Teacher (Private Tuition) |
249214 | Music Teacher (Private Tuition) |
249299 | Private Tutors and Teachers nec |
249311 | Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages |
251111 | Dietitian |
251112 | Nutritionist |
251211 | Medical Diagnostic Radiographer |
251212 | Medical Radiation Therapist |
251213 | Nuclear Medicine Technologist |
251214 | Sonographer |
251311 | Environmental Health Officer |
251312 | Occupational Health and Safety Adviser |
251411 | Optometrist |
251412 | Orthoptist |
251511 | Hospital Pharmacist |
251512 | Industrial Pharmacist |
251513 | Retail Pharmacist |
251911 | Health Promotion Officer |
251912 | Orthotist or Prosthetist |
251999 | Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals nec |
252111 | Chiropractor |
252112 | Osteopath |
252211 | Acupuncturist |
252212 | Homoeopath |
252213 | Naturopath |
252214 | Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner |
252299 | Complementary Health Therapists nec |
252311 | Dental Specialist |
252312 | Dentist |
252411 | Occupational Therapist |
252511 | Physiotherapist |
252611 | Podiatrist |
252711 | Audiologist |
252712 | Speech Pathologist / Speech Language Therapist |
253111 | General Practitioner |
253112 | Resident Medical Officer |
253211 | Anaesthetist |
253311 | Specialist Physician (General Medicine) |
253312 | Cardiologist |
253313 | Clinical Haematologist |
253314 | Medical Oncologist |
253315 | Endocrinologist |
253316 | Gastroenterologist |
253317 | Intensive Care Specialist |
253318 | Neurologist |
253321 | Paediatrician |
253322 | Renal Medicine Specialist |
253323 | Rheumatologist |
253324 | Thoracic Medicine Specialist |
253399 | Specialist Physicians nec |
253411 | Psychiatrist |
253511 | Surgeon (General) |
253512 | Cardiothoracic Surgeon |
253513 | Neurosurgeon |
253514 | Orthopaedic Surgeon |
253515 | Otorhinolaryngologist |
253516 | Paediatric Surgeon |
253517 | Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon |
253518 | Urologist |
253521 | Vascular Surgeon |
253911 | Dermatologist |
253912 | Emergency Medicine Specialist |
253913 | Obstetrician and Gynaecologist |
253914 | Ophthalmologist |
253915 | Pathologist |
253917 | Diagnostic and Interventional Radiologist |
253918 | Radiation Oncologist |
253999 | Medical Practitioners nec |
254111 | Midwife |
254211 | Nurse Educator |
254212 | Nurse Researcher |
254311 | Nurse Manager |
254411 | Nurse Practitioner |
254412 | Registered Nurse (Aged Care) |
254413 | Registered Nurse (Child and Family Health) |
254414 | Registered Nurse (Community Health) |
254415 | Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency) |
254416 | Registered Nurse (Developmental Disability) |
254417 | Registered Nurse (Disability and Rehabilitation) |
254418 | Registered Nurse (Medical) |
254421 | Registered Nurse (Medical Practice) |
254422 | Registered Nurse (Mental Health) |
254423 | Registered Nurse (Perioperative) |
254424 | Registered Nurse (Surgical) |
254425 | Registered Nurse (Paediatrics) |
254499 | Registered Nurses nec |
261111 | ICT Business Analyst |
261112 | Systems Analyst |
261113 | User Experience Designer (ICT) |
261211 | Multimedia Specialist |
261212 | Web Developer |
261311 | Analyst Programmer |
261312 | Developer Programmer |
261313 | Software Engineer |
261314 | Software Tester |
261315 | Cyber Security Engineer |
261316 | Devops Engineer |
261317 | Penetration Tester |
261399 | Software and Applications Programmers nec |
262111 | Database Administrator |
262113 | Systems Administrator |
262114 | Cyber Governance Risk and Compliance Specialist |
262115 | Cyber Security Advice and Assessment Specialist |
262116 | Cyber Security Analyst |
262117 | Cyber Security Architect |
262118 | Cyber Security Operations Coordinator |
263111 | Computer Network and Systems Engineer |
263112 | Network Administrator |
263113 | Network Analyst |
263211 | ICT Quality Assurance Engineer |
263212 | ICT Support Engineer |
263213 | ICT Systems Test Engineer |
263299 | ICT Support and Test Engineers nec |
263311 | Telecommunications Engineer |
263312 | Telecommunications Network Engineer |
271111 | Barrister |
271211 | Judge |
271212 | Magistrate |
271213 | Tribunal Member |
271214 | Intellectual Property Lawyer |
271299 | Judicial and Other Legal Professionals nec |
271311 | Solicitor |
272111 | Careers Counsellor |
272112 | Drug and Alcohol Counsellor |
272113 | Family and Marriage Counsellor |
272114 | Rehabilitation Counsellor |
272115 | Student Counsellor |
272199 | Counsellors nec |
272211 | Minister of Religion |
272311 | Clinical Psychologist |
272312 | Educational Psychologist |
272313 | Organisational Psychologist |
272314 | Psychotherapist |
272399 | Psychologists nec |
272411 | Historian |
272412 | Interpreter |
272413 | Translator |
272414 | Archaeologist |
272499 | Social Professionals nec |
272511 | Social Worker |
272611 | Community Arts Worker |
272612 | Recreation Officer / Recreation Coordinator |
272613 | Welfare Worker |
411111 | Ambulance Officer |
411112 | Intensive Care Ambulance Paramedic (Aus) / Ambulance Paramedic (NZ) |
411211 | Dental Hygienist |
411212 | Dental Prosthetist |
411213 | Dental Technician |
411214 | Dental Therapist |
411311 | Diversional Therapist |
411411 | Enrolled Nurse |
411412 | Mothercraft Nurse |
411511 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker |
411611 | Massage Therapist |
411711 | Community Worker |
411712 | Disabilities Services Officer |
411713 | Family Support Worker |
411714 | Parole or Probation Officer |
411715 | Residential Care Officer |
411716 | Youth Worker |
421111 | Child Care Worker |
421112 | Family Day Care Worker |
421113 | Nanny |
421114 | Out of School Hours Care Worker |
422111 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Worker |
422112 | Integration Aide |
422115 | Preschool Aide |
422116 | Teachers' Aide |
423111 | Aged or Disabled Carer |
423211 | Dental Assistant |
423311 | Hospital Orderly |
423312 | Nursing Support Worker |
423313 | Personal Care Assistant |
423314 | Therapy Aide |
423411 | Child or Youth Residential Care Assistant |
423412 | Hostel Parent |
423413 | Refuge Worker |
431111 | Bar Attendant |
431112 | Barista |
431211 | Cafe Worker |
431311 | Gaming Worker |
431411 | Hotel Service Manager |
431511 | Waiter |
431911 | Bar Useful or Busser |
431912 | Doorperson or Luggage Porter |
431999 | Hospitality Workers nec |
441111 | Defence Force Member - Other Ranks |
441211 | Emergency Service Worker |
441212 | Fire Fighter |
441311 | Detective |
441312 | Police Officer |
442111 | Prison Officer |
442211 | Alarm, Security or Surveillance Monitor |
442212 | Armoured Car Escort |
442213 | Crowd Controller |
442214 | Private Investigator |
442215 | Retail Loss Prevention Officer |
442216 | Security Consultant |
442217 | Security Officer |
442299 | Security Officers and Guards nec |
451111 | Beauty Therapist |
451211 | Driving Instructor |
451311 | Funeral Director |
451399 | Funeral Workers nec |
451411 | Gallery or Museum Guide |
451412 | Tour Guide |
451511 | Natural Remedy Consultant |
451512 | Weight Loss Consultant |
451513 | Herbalist (Western) |
451611 | Tourist Information Officer |
451612 | Travel Consultant |
451711 | Flight Attendant |
451799 | Travel Attendants nec |
451811 | Civil Celebrant |
451812 | Hair or Beauty Salon Assistant |
451813 | Sex Worker or Escort |
451814 | Body Artist |
451815 | First Aid Trainer |
451816 | Religious Assistant |
451899 | Personal Service Workers nec |
452111 | Fitness Instructor |
452211 | Bungy Jump Master |
452212 | Fishing Guide |
452213 | Hunting Guide |
452214 | Mountain or Glacier Guide |
452215 | Outdoor Adventure Instructor |
452216 | Trekking Guide |
452217 | Whitewater Rafting Guide |
452299 | Outdoor Adventure Guides nec |
452311 | Diving Instructor (Open Water) |
452312 | Gymnastics Coach or Instructor |
452313 | Horse Riding Coach or Instructor |
452314 | Snowsport Instructor |
452315 | Swimming Coach or Instructor |
452316 | Tennis Coach |
452317 | Other Sports Coach or Instructor |
452318 | Dog and Horse Racing Official |
452321 | Sports Development Officer |
452322 | Sports Umpire |
452323 | Other Sports Official |
452411 | Footballer |
452412 | Golfer |
452413 | Jockey |
452414 | Lifeguard |
452499 | Sportspersons nec |
511111 | Contract Administrator |
511112 | Program or Project Administrator |
512111 | Office Manager |
512211 | Health Practice Manager |
512299 | Practice Managers nec |
521111 | Personal Assistant |
521211 | Secretary (General) |
521212 | Legal Secretary |
531111 | General Clerk |
532111 | Data Entry Operator |
532112 | Machine Shorthand Reporter |
532113 | Word Processing Operator |
541111 | Call or Contact Centre Team Leader |
541112 | Call or Contact Centre Operator |
541211 | Information Officer |
542111 | Receptionist (General) |
542112 | Admissions Clerk |
542113 | Hotel or Motel Receptionist |
542114 | Medical Receptionist |
551111 | Accounts Clerk |
551112 | Cost Clerk |
551211 | Bookkeeper |
551311 | Payroll Clerk |
552111 | Bank Worker |
552211 | Credit or Loans Officer (Aus) / Finance Clerk (NZ) |
552311 | Bookmaker |
552312 | Insurance Consultant |
552313 | Money Market Clerk |
552314 | Statistical Clerk |
561111 | Betting Agency Counter Clerk |
561112 | Bookmaker's Clerk |
561113 | Telephone Betting Clerk |
561199 | Betting Clerks nec |
561211 | Courier |
561212 | Postal Delivery Officer |
561311 | Filing or Registry Clerk |
561411 | Mail Clerk |
561412 | Postal Sorting Officer |
561511 | Survey Interviewer |
561611 | Switchboard Operator |
561911 | Classified Advertising Clerk |
561912 | Meter Reader |
561913 | Parking Inspector |
561999 | Clerical and Office Support Workers nec |
591112 | Production Clerk |
591113 | Purchasing Officer |
591115 | Stock Clerk |
591116 | Warehouse Administrator |
591117 | Order Clerk |
591211 | Despatching and Receiving Clerk |
591212 | Import-Export Clerk |
599111 | Conveyancer |
599112 | Legal Executive |
599211 | Clerk of Court |
599212 | Court Bailiff or Sheriff (Aus) / Court Collections Officer (NZ) |
599213 | Court Orderly (Aus) / Court Registry Officer (NZ) |
599214 | Law Clerk |
599215 | Trust Officer |
599311 | Debt Collector |
599411 | Human Resource Clerk |
599511 | Customs Officer |
599512 | Immigration Officer |
599513 | Motor Vehicle Licence Examiner |
599514 | Invasive Pest, Weed and Disease Inspector |
599515 | Social Security Assessor |
599516 | Taxation Inspector |
599517 | Train Examiner |
599518 | Transport Operations Inspector |
599521 | Water Inspector |
599599 | Inspectors and Regulatory Officers nec |
599611 | Insurance Investigator |
599612 | Insurance Loss Adjuster |
599613 | Insurance Risk Surveyor |
599711 | Library Assistant |
599912 | Production Assistant (Film, Television, Radio or Stage) |
599913 | Proof Reader |
599914 | Radio Despatcher |
599915 | Clinical Coder |
599916 | Facilities Administrator |
599999 | Clerical and Administrative Workers nec |
611111 | Auctioneer |
611112 | Stock and Station Agent |
611211 | Insurance Agent |
611311 | Sales Representative (Building and Plumbing Supplies) |
611312 | Sales Representative (Business Services) |
611313 | Sales Representative (Motor Vehicle Parts and Accessories) |
611314 | Sales Representative (Personal and Household Goods) |
611399 | Sales Representatives nec |
612111 | Business Broker |
612112 | Property Manager |
612113 | Real Estate Agency Principal / Real Estate Agency Licensee |
612114 | Real Estate Agent |
612115 | Real Estate Representative |
621111 | Sales Assistant (General) |
621211 | ICT Sales Assistant |
621311 | Motor Vehicle or Caravan Salesperson |
621312 | Motor Vehicle Parts Interpreter / Automotive Parts Salesperson |
621411 | Pharmacy Sales Assistant |
621511 | Retail Supervisor |
621611 | Service Station Attendant |
621711 | Cash Van Salesperson |
621712 | Door-to-door Salesperson |
621713 | Street Vendor |
621911 | Materials Recycler |
621912 | Rental Salesperson |
621999 | Sales Assistants and Salespersons nec |
631111 | Checkout Operator |
631112 | Office Cashier |
639111 | Model |
639112 | Sales Demonstrator |
639211 | Retail Buyer |
639212 | Wool Buyer |
639311 | Telemarketer |
639411 | Ticket Seller |
639412 | Transport Conductor |
639511 | Visual Merchandiser |
639911 | Other Sales Support Worker |
On 3 December 2024, the Australian Government announced the release of the Core Skills Occupation List (CSOL).
The CSOL applies to Tier 2 (Core Skills Pathway) of the new SID 482 visa after 7 December 2024.
The new CSOL fulfils the Government’s commitment to replace complex, out of date and inflexible occupation lists in our temporary skilled visa program. The CSOL is a single consolidated list, informed by labour market analysis and stakeholder consultations by Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) that provides access to temporary skilled migration for 456 occupations.
The CSOL will apply to the Core Skills stream of the new Skills in Demand visa, which will replace the Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) visa on 7 December 2024.
The CSOL will also apply to the Direct Entry stream of the permanent Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186) visa.
More details on other reform taking place on 7 December 2024, including the Skills in Demand visa (replacing the 482 TSS visa) and National Innovation visa,(replacing the Global Talent 858 visa) will be announced shortly.
Recent News

Ben Watt
Bachelor of Laws (James Cook University), Admitted before Supreme Court of Queensland (2013)- GDLP (QUT)
During Ben’s study he gained industry experience interning with Ergon Energy and with a Brisbane law firm before deciding to pursue a career in migration law.
While working for a migration agency in Townsville, Ben undertook the Graduate Certificate of Australian Migration Law and Practice through Australian National University and was registered as a Migration Agent in March 2015. Having worked in the migration services industry since July 2012, most recently as a senior migration solicitor in a Canberra law firm, Ben has successfully prepared and lodged hundreds of successful visa and skills assessment applications. He possesses extensive experience representing clients at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal and has experience with character cancellation cases and detention matters. He has assisted numerous overseas companies and start-ups in obtaining Overseas Business Sponsorship status. Book a time with Ben Watt here.
Onshore Student Visas Must Include COE
Upcoming New Zealand Immigration Changes 2025
Upcoming Immigration Changes 2025
Core Skills List (CSOL), Skills in Demand (SID) and National Innovation visa (NIV) available 7 December 2024
RPL and TSS 482 visa