Voya is a Director at VisaEnvoy and originally from Serbia and able to assist all Serbian and Russian speaking applicants. Voya is a Registered Migration Agent assisting people in the Republic of Serbia, as well as former Yugoslavian countries.

Vojislav Kablar
BPA (FH), GradCertMigLaw (VU), Masters of Applied Migration Law (VU)-current, Registered Migration Agent,
Voya is a Director and a Principal Registered Migration Agent with VisaEnvoy.
He has over 10 years of working experience in Department of Immigration and Border Protection funded migration settlement programs and Migration Agent industry.
Voya has extensive experience of representing numerous corporate and individual clients at the Migration Review Tribunal and Administrative Appeals Tribunal of Australia. He is considered an expert in fields of General Skilled Migration, Temporary Work (Long and Short Stay), Business visas, Partner, Parent and Child visa streams. Over the years Voya has assisted large corporations, Professional Tennis Players and Entertainers (singers and actors) to come to Australia.
Contact us today for a commitment free briefing with our Registered Migration Agents in Melbourne to find more about your visa options.