Partner Visa processing times

For the latest estimated average processing times for Australian Partner Visas (both temporary and permanent visas), please refer to the grid below.

Temporary Partner Visa processing times start from the day that a combined subclass 820/801 or subclass 309/100 visa application is lodged with the Department of Home Affairs.

Permanent Partner Visa processing times start from the day that an individual first becomes eligible for the permanent version of their partner visa, which is two years after their initial, combined partner visa application was lodged.

Please note that these partner visa processing times are indicative and for information only. Each partner visa application will be considered individually and on its own merits. More complex cases or those requiring additional supplementary evidence or information make take longer than average to process.

For information on the average cost of applying for an Australian Partner Visa, whether from inside or outside of Australia, please refer to our Partner Visa Fees guidance.

A candid photo of students in a classroom setting, with one person in the foreground looking pensively to the side, possibly illustrating education, learning, or student life.

Subclass 820 Partner Visa Processing Times

  • 50% of applications: within 12 months
  • 90% of applications: within 29 months

Subclass 801 Partner Visa Processing Times

  • 50% of applications: within 8 months
  • 90% of applications: within 26 months
A conceptual black-and-white image of a heart made from intertwining highways suspended in a cloudy sky. The heart shape is composed of a complex knot of roads, suggesting the complexity and interconnectedness of paths or relationships.

Subclass 100 Partner (Migrant) Visa Processing Times

  • 50% of applications: within 9 months
  • 90% of applications: within 20 months
A conceptual black-and-white image of a heart made from intertwining highways suspended in a cloudy sky. The heart shape is composed of a complex knot of roads, suggesting the complexity and interconnectedness of paths or relationships.

Subclass 309 Partner Visa Processing Times

  • 50% of applications: within 14 months
  • 90% of applications: within 26 months
Fiancé (Prospective Spouse) visa

Subclass 300 Prospective Marriage Visa Processing Times

  • 50% of applications: within 11 months
  • 90% of applications: within 31 months

Book a meeting with our Registered Migration Agents in Melbourne for a commitment-free consultation covering all your Australian partner visa options.