Migration Agent Parramatta
Australian Migration Agents in Parramatta, Australia.
VisaEnvoy is a full-service immigration practice that provides prompt, cost-effective representation in all aspects of immigration matters, including employment-based immigration, family-based immigration, investor immigration, and naturalization and citizenship. A Parramatta Immigration Firm, the firm assists clients from throughout Australia and the world.
Immigrants have always been a foundation of Australian society and VisaEnvoy is proud to help new immigrants assimilate in Australia. Our firm is aware that immigrants strengthen the Australia’s economy and culture, and that Australia’s goodwill is improved by welcoming foreign nationals into Australia.
Australia Immigration Agents in Parramatta
VisaEnvoy is a professional immigration consulting firm operated by registered migration agents and lawyers and members in good standings with the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA). Our office in Parramatta , can provide you with all Immigration and visa services including:
- skilled visas,
- partner/defacto visa,
- parent visas,
- business visas,
- student visa,
- employer sponsored visas (ENS),
- regional employer sponsored visa,
- 491 visa and TSS visa
- We also assist clients with all other immigration matters, including visa refusal appeals.
Migration Agent Parramatta
No matter where you are currently located, a Parramatta migration agent can help obtain your immigration goals.
Have a Question for a Parramatta Immigration Agent?
Have a our Migration Agent help resolve your immigration concerns. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or complete the firm’s contact form.

Your dedication, enthusiasm, and insight are shown in your work. The time and efforts you had put into this work that is beyond excellence. Take my cordial thanks! You are really an efficient, organized and result-oriented woman. Thank you for all the extra hours and extra effort you had to put on for getting this job done. I appreciate every bit of your effort. Thank you for pulling this off so smoothly. Thank you for your great job. We really appreciate your efforts and dedication towards the work. May God bless you to show your worth and skills in the future like this, over and over. The amount of work and effort you put into your job is way more than your salary. Well done.

Nadia Zdielnik

Contact Us
Tel: 02 9055 8400
Level 14, 3 Parramatta Square, 153 Macquarie St, Parramatta NSW 2150


Our Locations
VisaEnvoy are Australian Migration Agents and Immigration Lawyers with offices across Australia. We have offices in a number of countries around the world who provide visa and migration services. Read about our offices to find out more details which may assist you. We are a team of dedicated professionals ready to assist you with all your migration inquiries! Australia’s top migration agency.