VisaEnvoy is a firm with a distinguished history, distinctive values and a unique culture.
With over 20 people, we are able to provide clients with the best possible advice and service across a wide range of industries and legal disciplines. While we are well-known for our immigration services, we also provide skills assessment services.
Our teams enjoy a reputation for being innovative, creative and sensitive in their approach to complex migration issues, and over the years we have played a central role in many cases which have had a profound impact on our client’s lives.
At VisaEnvoy we have created a company where we treat our work, our clients and our colleagues alike with integrity, respect and care. Book a time with your local migration agent in Geelong.
Our office in Geelong, can provide you with all Immigration and visa services including:
- skilled visas,
- partner/defacto visa,
- parent visas,
- business visas,
- student visa,
- employer sponsored visas (ENS),
- regional employer sponsored visa,
- TSS visa,
- Skills in Demand visa
- We also assist clients with all other immigration matters, including visa refusal appeals.

Our Locations
VisaEnvoy are Australian Migration Agents and Immigration Lawyers with offices across Australia. We have offices in a number of countries around the world who provide visa and migration services. Read about our offices to find out more details which may assist you. We are a team of dedicated professionals ready to assist you with all your migration inquiries! Australia’s top migration agency.