NAATI Points for Skilled Migration
NAATI Points for Skilled Migration
From 2018, NAATI will offer a new Credentialed Community Language (CCL) test.
As part of certain points-based visa applications made to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, it is expected that individuals who pass the NAATI CCL test will be able to claim CCL points (sometimes referred to as the ‘five bonus points’).
- Contact us for more information about the test.
- Contact us to apply for a CCL test.
NAATI expects that individuals who obtain certification would also be eligible to claim CCL points without sitting additional testing.
NAATI will run the first round of CCL tests in the week 19-23 March 2018.
The scheduling of specific languages for this test round will occur in early 2018. Applicants will be advised by email if a test place has been offered to them.
NAATI expects to run at least three other CCL testing rounds throughout 2018. An individual who has passed a CCL test is not certified to work as an interpreter or translator.
You can score an additional 5 points in the points test for skilled migration if you have “credentialed community language qualifications”.
To obtain the community language points, you must be accredited by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) at the para-professional level (Level 2) or higher. At time of writing, NAATI offered accreditation exams in the following languages:
Australian Testing Locations
Testing locations are available in each State/Territory Capital city of Australia.
International Testing Locations
In New Zealand testing location are available in Auckland, Christchurch and Wellington.
Other locations include:
- Bangladesh – Khulna
- China – Beijing, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Shanghai
- England – London
- Greece – Athens
- India – New Delhi
- Iran – Tehran
- Philippines – Manila
- Saudi Arabia – Riyadh
- Singapore
- South Africa – Johannesburg
- United Arab Emirates – Dubai
NAATI Credentialed Community Language test – Validity for points
The Department has advised that the validity of NAATI CCL test results for the award of Sch 6D points is three years.
Please remember when using these test results for EOIs that the test result remains valid for the award of points at the time the applicant is also invited to apply for a visa.