Check Your Visa Status with the VEVO app on iTunes
myVEVO is a mobile app available to download for free. The app provides a fast and convenient way to check your Australian visa work rights, study rights, travel conditions and expiry date.
How to get it
Free download from the Apple and Google online stores. The app will not download to mobile devices with a compromised operating system, otherwise known as ‘Jailbroken or Rooted’ devices.
How to use it
The first time you use myVEVO, you will need your:
- date of birth
- passport details
- visa Grant Number or Transaction Reference Number (TRN)
Last successful visa details can be saved with your own PIN, making it easy to access the visa details with myVEVO.
The visa conditions can be viewed by tapping on the ‘Conditions’ tab at the bottom right side of the screen.
Note: Only the most recent check will be retained in the myVEVO app.
If you forget your PIN
You don’t need to contact the department to get back into myVEVO. You need to put in the incorrect PIN three times, and then you will be asked to create a new PIN. Note that for security purposes, all personal information saved previously will be cleared.
If you need to ‘Reset’ your PIN
To reset the PIN you need to enter it incorrectly three times. When you have entered the PIN incorrectly three times you are presented with a message advising:
‘You have incorrectly entered your PIN three times. For security purposes your details have been cleared, please set a new PIN and enter your details to perform a query‘.
How you can I check another visa, after you have your visa details
There are two options available:
Option 1: On the Visa details screen, there is a ‘Back’ button on the top left corner, tap it to go back to the Visa Holder Enquiry screen to update your search information.
Option 2: Follow above instructions (If you need to ‘Reset’ your PIN) to reset your PIN.
Note: The app always saves the last successful visa result. That means once your new visa check is successful, this visa will be the default search next time.
How you can send your visa details by email
You can send an email to any email address using the app. This email will include a PDF attachment, which shows your visa entitlement and conditions. Tap on the ‘Email’ option in the top right corner and enter required email addresses in the next screen presented.
Source: DHA