This 190 visa lets nominated skilled workers live and work in Australia as permanent residents. The processing times for the SC190 visa can be seen below:

190 Visa Processing Time
- 25% of applications: 63 Days
- 50% of applications: 78 Days
- 75% of applications: 4 Months
- 90% of applications: 8 Months
Processing times can vary for a range of reasons, including:
- whether you have submitted an application with all necessary supporting documents.
- whether you have lodged an online or paper application. Applying online helps streamline processing
- how quickly you respond to requests for more information
- how long it takes us to perform the required checks
- how long it takes to receive information from external agencies, particularly relating to health, character and national security requirements
- how many places are available in the migration program for permanent visa applications.
Processing times are impacted by cases that are complex, changes to the volume of applications and changes to Ministerial Directions.
Contact us today for a commitment free briefing with our Registered Migration Agents in Melbourne to find more about your visa options.